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  • Introduction to Weibo Mobility Index Data

    Co-Sponsored by the NSF Spatiotemporal Innovation Center, China Data Institute and Future Data Lab

    Introduction to Weibo Mobility Index Data

    Lingbo Liu1,2, Wendy Guan1, Devika Kakkar1,and Shuming Bao3

    1Center for Geographic Analysis, Harvard University

    2School of Urban Planning, Wuhan University

    3China Data Institute & Future Data Lab

     10:00AM-11:00AM, Thursday, US Eastern Time

    February 24, 2022

    PPT: China Data Lab, 2022, "InstituteIntroduction to Weibo Mobility Index Data", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QNV29K, Harvard Dataverse, V1.


    As one of the largest social media, Weibo is considered as the “Twitter” in China. Based on the geo-tagged information in the sampled Weibo data, we built the Weibo mobility index by provinces and prefecture cities in China. This webinar will give an introduction to this Weibo mobility index, including data sources, methodology, comparative analysis with Baidu mobility index, and some prospective applications of the Weibo mobility data for the spatial studies of China.

    About the speakers

    Dr. Lingbo Liu is a faculty member of Wuhan University and currently a visiting research fellow at the Center for Geographic Analysis of Harvard University. Dr. Wendy Guan is the Executive Director of the Center for Geographic Analysis at Harvard University. Devika Kakkar is a geospatial data scientist of the Center for Geographic Analysis at Harvard University. Dr. Shuming Bao is the director of the China Data Institute and Future Data Lab in the US. He was a faculty member and the director of the China Data Center at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor before he established the China Data Institute.

    Contact: spatialdatalab@list.fas.harvard.edu
  Email: office@chinadatacenter.net