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  • Monthly Training Webinars on Research Data: Sources, Tools and Applications

    Monthly Training Webinars on Research Data: Sources, Tools and Applications

    Co-Sponsored by China Data Institute and Future Data Lab

    11:00AM-12:00PM, Thursday, US Eastern Time

    September 24, 2020 – August 12, 2021

    China Data Lab, 2022, "Training Webinars on China Research Data: Sources, Tools and Applications", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/LN6OHH, Harvard Dataverse, V1

    1.         September 24, 2020, Understanding the Gov’t Statistics

    2.         October 22, 2020, Understanding the Population Census and Demographic Changes

    3.         November 19, 2020, Understanding the Economic Census and Industrial Changes

    4.         December 17, 2020, Understanding the Administrative Maps and Regional Geography

    5.         January 21, 2021, Spatial Study of Innovation with Patent Data

    6.         February 18, 2021, Spatial Study of Health with Statistics, Census and GIS Data

    7.         March 18, 2021, Spatial Study of Environment with Statistics, Census and GIS Data

    8.         April 22, 2021, Understanding the Urban Development

    9.         May 20, 2021, Understanding the Rural Development

    10.     June 17, 2021, Understanding the Mobility in Geography

    11.     July 15, 2021, Understanding the Culture in Geography

    12.     August 12, 2021, New Development and Directions: Data, Tools and Applications

    This webinar series introduce some research data with a focus on China and discuss the difference from the US data. Each webinar will cover the following topics: (1) data sources, data collection, data category, definition, description, and interpretation; (2) alternative data and derivable data from other data sources, especially some big data sources; (3) comparison of data difference between the US and China; (4) available tools for efficient data analysis; (5) discussions on pros and cons; and (6) data applications in research and teaching.

    Contact: office@chinadatacenter.net
  Email: office@chinadatacenter.net