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  • Modeling COVID-19 Pandemic: Resources, Methodology and Applications
     Modeling COVID-19 Pandemic: Resources, Methodology and Applications

    9:00-11:00 PM, Thursday, July 9-30, 2020 (US Eastern Time)



    l  China Data Institute and Future Data Lab

    l  China Health Policy and Management Society

    Sponsor: Taikang Public Health and Epidemic Prevention Fund


    9:00-11:00 PM, July 9, 2020

    I.                    Overview

    An Overview of Models for COVID-19 Pandemic, Perter Song, University Michigan

    Discussants: Qiushi Chen, Penn State University

    Chair: Harry Zhang, Old Dominion University

    PPT: China Data Lab, 2020, "1-Song_Peter and Chen_Qiushi_Review_Models_20200709.pdf", Webinars on Modeling COVID-19 PandemicResources, Methodology and Applications, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/NXF45W/9LEF3V

    Recording: China Data Lab, 2020, "1-Song_Peter and Chen_Qiushi_Review_Models_20200709.mp4", Webinars on Modeling COVID-19 PandemicResources, Methodology and Applications, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/NXF45W/8OBQLZ


    9:00-11:00 PM, July 16, 2020

    II.  Methodology

    1.       Global Supply Chain effect of COVID-19 lockdownDabo Guan and Peng Gong, Tsinghua University

    Discussant: Shiyong Liu, Southwest University of Finance and Economics

    PPT: China Data Lab, 2020, "2-Guan_Dabo_Covid Footprints_20200716.pdf", Webinars on Modeling COVID-19 PandemicResources, Methodology and Applications, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/NXF45W/X4B3LA

    2.       Unmet Needs: Healthcare Crowd-out During the COVID-19 PandemicJian Ni, Johns Hopkins University

    Discussant: Mingwang Shen, Xian Jiaotong University

    PPTChina Data Lab, 2020, "2-Jian_Ni_Healthcare Crowdout_COVID_20200716.pdf", Webinars on Modeling COVID-19 PandemicResources, Methodology and Applications, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/NXF45W/CTWRLS

    Chair: Jian Wang, Wuhan University

    Recording: China Data Lab, 2020, "Webinars on Modeling COVID-19 PandemicResources, Methodology and Applications", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/NXF45W


    9:00-11:00 PM, July 23, 2020

    III. The Applications of COVID-19 Models

    1.       Optimal Travel Restrictions in Epidemics, Xi Chen, Yale University

    Discussant: Yiwei Chen, Stanford University

    PPTChina Data Lab, 2020, "3-Chen_Xi_Optimal_Travel_Restriction_20200723.pdf", Webinars on Modeling COVID-19 PandemicResources, Methodology and Applications, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/NXF45W/UX89LN


    2.       COVID-19 modelling for policy analysis, Winnie Chi-Man Yip, Harvard University

    Discussant: Liming Cai, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services

    PPTChina Data Lab, 2020, "3-Winnie_Yip_COVID modelling policy 20200723.pdf", Webinars on Modeling COVID-19 PandemicResources, Methodology and Applications, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/NXF45W/HUTTKJ

    Chair: Mengxi Zhang, Ball State University

    Recording: China Data Lab, 2020, "3-Modeling COVID-19 Pandemic-20200723.mp4", Webinars on Modeling COVID-19 PandemicResources, Methodology and Applications, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/NXF45W/VV9RBD


    9:00-11:00 PM, July 30, 2020

    IV.    Predictive Models and Data Review

    1.       Predictions, Role of Intervention and the Historic National Lockdown in India

    Bhramar Mukherjee, Debashree Ray, Maxwell Salvatore, Rupam Bhttacharyya, University of Michigan

    Discussant: Yanfang Su, University of Washington

    PPTChina Data Lab, 2020, "Webinars on Modeling COVID-19 PandemicResources, Methodology and Applications", https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/NXF45W


    2.       The Data Review for Covid-19 Modeling

    Wendy Guan and Tao Hu, Harvard University

    Discussant: Chaowei Yang, George Mason University

    PPTChina Data Lab, 2020, "4-COVID-19 Data_Review_20200731.pdf", Webinars on Modeling COVID-19 PandemicResources, Methodology and Applications, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/NXF45W/ZNOZRR

    Chair: Lizheng Shi, Tulane University


    Recording: China Data Lab, 2020, "4-Modeling COVID-19 Pandemic-20200731.mp4", Webinars on Modeling COVID-19 PandemicResources, Methodology and Applications, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/NXF45W/7Y7OQB


    As a joint effort by scholars and professionals from the Center for Geographical Analysis at Harvard University, the Geo-Computation Center for Social Sciences at Wuhan University, the China Data Institute, the Spatiotemporal Innovation Center at George Mason University, RMDS Lab, and some other institutions, an initiative on “Resources for COVID-19 Study” was sponsored by the China Data Lab project (http://chinadatalab.net). The objectives of this project are: (1) to provide data support for the spatial study of COVID-19 at local, regional and global levels with information collected and integrated from different sources; (2) to facilitate quantitative research on spatial spreading and impacts of COVID-19 with advanced methodology and technology; (3) to promote collaborative research on the spatial study of COVID-19 on the China Data Lab, Dataverse and WorldMap platforms; and (4) to build research capacity for future collaborative projects. This forum will discusses data resources, methodology, technology, and applications for COVID-19 models across countries and regions.

  Email: office@chinadatacenter.net