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  • China City Statistical Indicators with GIS Maps (2009)
    Order ID:  CDC-A-2011-002
    Publisher:  All China Market Reserach Co., Ltd.
    Publication Date:  2/1/2012 12:00:00 AM
    Format:  GIS Shape Files
    Languages:  English and Chinese
    Price:  $1,200 (for academic users)
    Delivery:  CD or FTP
    Product Demo:  
    Sample Data:  
  • Description:  
    This CD product include 2009 city statistical data integrated with administrative boundaries for prefecture and county level cities.
    Table of Contents:  

    The List of Variables for Prefecture Level Cities
    Variables Chinese English
    A01001 年末总人口(万人) Total Population at year-end(10000 persons)
    A01001d 年末总人口(万人)(市区) Total Population at year-end(10000 persons)(District)
    A01003 非农业人口(万人) Non-agricultural Population(10000 persons)
    A01003d 非农业人口(万人)(市区) Non-agricultural Population(10000 persons)(District)
    A01005 自然增长率(‰) Natural Growth Rate(‰)
    A01005d 自然增长率(‰)(市区) Natural Growth Rate(‰)(District)
    A02007 单位从业人员(万人) Number of Employees(10000 persons)
    A02007d 单位从业人员(万人)(市区) Number of Employees(10000 persons)(District)
    A02009 年末城镇失业(登记)人数(万人) Number of Urban Registered Unemployees at  Year-end(10000 persons)
    A02009d 年末城镇失业(登记)人数(万人)(市区) Number of Urban Registered Unemployees at  Year-end(10000 persons)(District)
    A02011 私营和个体丛业人员(万人) Number of Employed Persons in Urban Private Enpterprises and Self-employed Individuals at the Year-end(10000 persons)
    A02011d 私营和个体丛业人员(万人)(市区) Number of Employed Persons in Urban Private Enpterprises and Self-employed Individuals at the Year-end(10000 persons)(District)
    A03001 第一产业从业人员(万人) Proportion of Employees in Primary Industry(10000 persons)
    A03001d 第一产业从业人员(万人)(市区) Proportion of Employees in Primary Industry(10000 persons)(District)
    A03003 第二产业从业人员(万人) Proportion of Employees in Secondary Industry(10000 persons)
    A03003d 第二产业从业人员(万人)(市区) Proportion of Employees in Secondary Industry(10000 persons)(District)
    A03005 第三产业从业人员(万人) Proportion of Employees in Tertiary Industry(10000 persons)
    A03005d 第三产业从业人员(万人)(市区) Proportion of Employees in Tertiary Industry(10000 persons)(District)
    A04001 农林牧渔业(万人) Number of Labors in Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry,Fishery(10000 persons)
    A04001d 农林牧渔业(万人)(市区) Number of Labors in Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry,Fishery(10000 persons)(District)
    A04003 采掘业(万人) Mining and Quarrying(10000 persons)
    A04003d 采掘业(万人)(市区) Mining and Quarrying(10000 persons)(District)
    A04005 制造业(万人) Manufacturing(10000 persons)
    A04005d 制造业(万人)(市区) Manufacturing(10000 persons)(District)
    A04007 电力煤气及水生产供应业(万人) Electric Power,Gas and Water Production and Supply(10000 persons)
    A04007d 电力煤气及水生产供应业(万人)(市区) Electric Power,Gas and Water Production and Supply(10000 persons)(District)
    A04009 建筑业(万人) Construction(10000 persons)
    A04009d 建筑业(万人)(市区) Construction(10000 persons)(District)
    A04013 交通仓储邮电业(万人) Transportation,Storage,Post and Telecommunications(10000 persons)
    A04013d 交通仓储邮电业(万人)(市区) Transportation,Storage,Post and Telecommunications(10000 persons)(District)
    A04015 批发零售贸易业(万人) Wholesale & Retail Trade(10000 persons)
    A04015d 批发零售贸易业(万人)(市区) Wholesale & Retail Trade(10000 persons)(District)
    A04017 金融保险业(万人) Banking and Insurance(10000 persons)
    A04017d 金融保险业(万人)(市区) Banking and Insurance(10000 persons)(District)
    A04019 房地产业(万人) Real Estate(10000 persons)
    A04019d 房地产业(万人)(市区) Real Estate(10000 persons)(District)
    A04021 居民服务和其他服务业(万人) Social Services(10000 persons)
    A04021d 居民服务和其他服务业(万人)(市区) Social Services(10000 persons)(District)
    A04022 公共管理和社会组织(万人) Public Management and Social Organization(10000 persons)
    A04022d 公共管理和社会组织(万人)(市区) Public Management and Social Organization(10000 persons)(District)
    A04023 科研、技术服务和地质勘查业(万人) Scientific Research, Technical Service and Geologic Prospecting(10000 persons)
    A04023d 科研、技术服务和地质勘查业(万人)(市区) Scientific Research, Technical Service and Geologic Prospecting(10000 persons)(District)
    A04024 水利、环境和公共设施管理业(万人) Management of Water Conservancy, Environment and Public Facilities(10000 persons)
    A04024d 水利、环境和公共设施管理业(万人)(市区) Management of Water Conservancy, Environment and Public Facilities(10000 persons)(District)
    A04025 卫生、社会保险和社会福利业(万人) Health, Social Security and Social Welfare(10000 persons)
    A04025d 卫生、社会保险和社会福利业(万人)(市区) Health, Social Security and Social Welfare(10000 persons)(District)
    A05001 土地面积(万平方公里) Land Area(10000sq.km)
    A05001d 土地面积(万平方公里)(市区) Land Area(10000sq.km)(District)
    A05003 土地面积(建成区)(平方公里) Land Area(Completed Construction Area)(sq.km)
    A05003d 土地面积(建成区)(平方公里)(市区) Land Area(Completed Construction Area)(sq.km)(District)
    A05004 年末实有耕地面积(千公顷) Cultivated Land by Year-end(1000 hectares)
    A05004d 年末实有耕地面积(千公顷)(市区) Cultivated Land by Year-end(1000 hectares)(District)
    A05006 园林绿地面积(万公顷) Park,Garden and Green Area(10000 hectare)
    A05006d 园林绿地面积(万公顷)(市区) Park,Garden and Green Area(10000 hectare)(District)
    A05007 人口密度(人每平方公里) Population  Density(person per sq.km)

    A05007d 人口密度(人每平方公里)(市区) Population  Density(person per sq.km)

    A05011 建成区绿化覆盖率(%) Coverage Rate of Green Area in Completed Construction Area(%)
    A05011d 建成区绿化覆盖率(%)(市区) Coverage Rate of Green Area in Completed Construction Area(%)(District)
    A06001 国内生产总值(亿元) Gross Domestic Product(100 million yuan)
    A06001d 国内生产总值(亿元)(市区) Gross Domestic Product(100 million yuan)(District)
    A06003 第一产业GDP(亿元) Primary Industry Percentage(100 million yuan)
    A06003d 第一产业GDP(亿元)(市区) Primary Industry Percentage(100 million yuan)(District)
    A06005 第二产业GDP(亿元) Secondary Industry Percentage(100 million yuan)
    A06005d 第二产业GDP(亿元)(市区) Secondary Industry Percentage(100 million yuan)(District)
    A06007 第三产业GDP(亿元) Tertiary Industry Percentage(100 million yuan)
    A06007d 第三产业GDP(亿元)(市区) Tertiary Industry Percentage(100 million yuan)(District)
    A06009 国内生产总值指数(%) GDP Index(%)
    A06009d 国内生产总值指数(%)(市区) GDP Index(%)(District)
    A06014 人均国内生产总值(元每人) Per Capital of Gross Domestic Product(yuan person)
    A06014d 人均国内生产总值(元每人)(市区) Per Capital of Gross Domestic Product(yuan person)(District)
    A07002 主要农产品产量  蔬菜(万吨) Yield of Major Farm Crops Vegetables(10000 tons)
    A07002d 主要农产品产量  蔬菜(万吨)(市区) Yield of Major Farm Crops Vegetables(10000 tons)(District)
    A07003 主要农产品产量   水果(万吨) Yield of Major Farm Crops Fruits(10000 tons)
    A07003d 主要农产品产量   水果(万吨)(市区) Yield of Major Farm Crops Fruits(10000 tons)(District)
    A07004 主要农产品产量  水产品(万吨) Yield of Major Farm Products Total Aquatic Products(10000 tons)
    A07004d 主要农产品产量  水产品(万吨)(市区) Yield of Major Farm Products Total Aquatic Products(10000 tons)(District)
    A07008 主要农产品产量   肉类(万吨) Yield of Major Farm Crops     Meat(10000 tons)
    A07008d 主要农产品产量   肉类(万吨)(市区) Yield of Major Farm Crops     Meat(10000 tons)(District)
    A07009 主要农产品产量   奶类(万吨) Yield of Major Farm Crops     Milk(10000 tons)
    A07009d 主要农产品产量   奶类(万吨)(市区) Yield of Major Farm Crops     Milk(10000 tons)(District)
    A09007 限额以上工业总产值(亿元) Gross Industrial Output Value of Enterprises above Designated Size(100 million yuan)
    A09007d 限额以上工业总产值(亿元)(市区) Gross Industrial Output Value of Enterprises above Designated Size(100 million yuan)(District)
    A09009 限额以上工业企业单位数(个) Number of Enterprises above Designated Size(unit)
    A09009d 限额以上工业企业单位数(个)(市区) Number of Enterprises above Designated Size(unit)(District)
    A09011 内资企业工业总产值(亿元) Gross Industrial Output Value of Domestic-funded Enterprises(100 million yuan)
    A09011d 内资企业工业总产值(亿元)(市区) Gross Industrial Output Value of Domestic-funded Enterprises(100 million yuan)(District)
    A09013 港澳台投资企业工业总产值(亿元) Gross Industrial Output Value of Enterprises Funded by Hongkong, Macao and Taiwan Investors(100 million yuan)
    A09013d 港澳台投资企业工业总产值(亿元)(市区) Gross Industrial Output Value of Enterprises Funded by Hongkong, Macao and Taiwan Investors(100 million yuan)(District)
    A09015 外商投资企业工业总产值(亿元) Gross Industrial Output Value of Foreign-funded Enterprises(100 million yuan)
    A09015d 外商投资企业工业总产值(亿元)(市区) Gross Industrial Output Value of Foreign-funded Enterprises(100 million yuan)(District)
    A09017 年平均从业人员数(万人) Average Annual Number of Employees(10000 persons)
    A09017d 年平均从业人员数(万人)(市区) Average Annual Number of Employees(10000 persons)(District)
    A10001 产品销售收入(亿元) Sales Revenue of Product(100 million yuan)
    A10001d 产品销售收入(亿元)(市区) Sales Revenue of Product(100 million yuan)(District)
    A10005 本年应交增值税(亿元) Value-added Tax Payable in This Year(100 million yuan)
    A10005d 本年应交增值税(亿元)(市区) Value-added Tax Payable in This Year(100 million yuan)(District)
    A12001 固定资产投资总额(亿元) Investment in Fixed Assets(100 million yuan)
    A12001d 固定资产投资总额(亿元)(市区) Investment in Fixed Assets(100 million yuan)(District)
    A12003 住宅投资(亿元) Investment in Residential Buildings(100 million yuan)
    A12003d 住宅投资(亿元)(市区) Investment in Residential Buildings(100 million yuan)(District)
    A12005 房地产开发投资额(亿元) Investment in Real Estate Development(100 million yuan)
    A12005d 房地产开发投资额(亿元)(市区) Investment in Real Estate Development(100 million yuan)(District)
    A13001 批发零售贸易业商品销售总额(亿元) Sales Value in Wholesale and Retail Sale Trade(100 million yuan)
    A13001d 批发零售贸易业商品销售总额(亿元)(市区) Sales Value in Wholesale and Retail Sale Trade(100 million yuan)(District)
    A13003 社会消费品零售总额(亿元) Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods(100 million yuan)
    A13003d 社会消费品零售总额(亿元)(市区) Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods(100 million yuan)(District)
    A14001 新签协议合同数(个) Number of Newly Signed Contracts(unit)
    A14001d 新签协议合同数(个)(市区) Number of Newly Signed Contracts(unit)(District)
    A14009 出口总额(千美元) Value of Export(1,000 US dollars)
    A14009d 出口总额(千美元)(市区) Value of Export(1,000 US dollars)(District)
    A15001 地方财政预算内收入(亿元) Budgetary Revenue of Local Government(100 million yuan)
    A15001d 地方财政预算内收入(亿元)(市区) Budgetary Revenue of Local Government(100 million yuan)(District)
    A15003 地方财政预算内支出(亿元) Budgetary Expenditure of Local Government(100 million yuan)
    A15003d 地方财政预算内支出(亿元)(市区) Budgetary Expenditure of Local Government(100 million yuan)(District)
    A15004 科学事业费支出(亿元) Expenditure for Science Administration(100 million yuan)
    A15004d 科学事业费支出(亿元)(市区) Expenditure for Science Administration(100 million yuan)(District)
    A15005 教育事业费支出(亿元) Expenditure for Education Administration(100 million yuan)
    A15005d 教育事业费支出(亿元)(市区) Expenditure for Education Administration(100 million yuan)(District)
    A16001 年末金融机构各项存款余额(亿元) Deposit(100 million yuan)
    A16001d 年末金融机构各项存款余额(亿元)(市区) Deposit(100 million yuan)(District)
    A16002 年末金融机构各项贷款余额(亿元) Loan(100 million yuan)
    A16002d 年末金融机构各项贷款余额(亿元)(市区) Loan(100 million yuan)(District)
    A16003 城乡居民储蓄年末余额(亿元) Outstanding Amount of Savings Deposit of Urban and Rural Residents at Year-end(100 million yuan)
    A16003d 城乡居民储蓄年末余额(亿元)(市区) Outstanding Amount of Savings Deposit of Urban and Rural Residents at Year-end(100 million yuan)(District)
    A17005 职工平均工资(元) Average Wage of Staff and Workers(yuan)
    A17005d 职工平均工资(元)(市区) Average Wage of Staff and Workers(yuan)(District)
    A17007 在岗职工平均人数(万人) Average Number of Employees(10000 persons)
    A17007d 在岗职工平均人数(万人)(市区) Average Number of Employees(10000 persons)(District)
    A17009 在岗职工工资总额(亿元) Total Wage of Employees(100 million yuan)
    A17009d 在岗职工工资总额(亿元)(市区) Total Wage of Employees(100 million yuan)(District)
    A18001 高等学校(所) Number of Institutions of Higher Education(unit)
    A18001d 高等学校(所)(市区) Number of Institutions of Higher Education(unit)(District)
    A18003 普通中学(所) Number of Regular Secondary Schools(unit)
    A18003d 普通中学(所)(市区) Number of Regular Secondary Schools(unit)(District)
    A18005 小学(所) Number of Primary Schools(unit)
    A18005d 小学(所)(市区) Number of Primary Schools(unit)(District)
    A19001 高等学校专任教师数(万人) Number of Full-time Teachers in Institutions of Higher Education(10000 persons)
    A19001d 高等学校专任教师数(万人)(市区) Number of Full-time Teachers in Institutions of Higher Education(10000 persons)(District)
    A19003 普通中学专任教师数(万人) Number of Full-time Teachers in Regular Secondary Schools(10000 persons)
    A19003d 普通中学专任教师数(万人)(市区) Number of Full-time Teachers in Regular Secondary Schools(10000 persons)(District)
    A19005 小学专任教师数(万人) Number of Full-time Teachers in Primary Schools(10000 persons)
    A19005d 小学专任教师数(万人)(市区) Number of Full-time Teachers in Primary Schools(10000 persons)(District)
    A20001 高等学校在校学生数(万人) Student Enrollment in Institutions of Higher Education(10000 persons)
    A20001d 高等学校在校学生数(万人)(市区) Student Enrollment in Institutions of Higher Education(10000 persons)(District)
    A20003 普通中学在校学生数(万人) Student Enrollment in Regular Secondary Schools(10000 persons)
    A20003d 普通中学在校学生数(万人)(市区) Student Enrollment in Regular Secondary Schools(10000 persons)(District)
    A20005 小学在校学生数(万人) Student Enrollment in Primary Schools(10000 persons)
    A20005d 小学在校学生数(万人)(市区) Student Enrollment in Primary Schools(10000 persons)(District)
    A21001 影剧院数(个) Theaters and Music Halls(unit)
    A21001d 影剧院数(个)(市区) Theaters and Music Halls(unit)(District)
    A21003 公共图书馆总藏量(万册) Public Library Collections(10000 volumes)
    A21003d 公共图书馆总藏量(万册)(市区) Public Library Collections(10000 volumes)(District)
    A21007 人均公共图书馆藏书(册/人) Number of Books in Public Libraries Per Capita(volume/person)
    A21007d 人均公共图书馆藏书(册/人)(市区) Number of Books in Public Libraries Per Capita(volume/person)(District)
    A22001 医院数(个) Number of Hospitals(unit)
    A22001d 医院数(个)(市区) Number of Hospitals(unit)(District)
    A22003 医院床位数(万张) Number of Beds in Hospitals(10000 units)
    A22003d 医院床位数(万张)(市区) Number of Beds in Hospitals(10000 units)(District)
    A22005 医生数(万人) Number of Doctors(10000 persons)
    A22005d 医生数(万人)(市区) Number of Doctors(10000 persons)(District)
    A23001 客运总量(万人) Total Passenger Traffic(10000 persons)
    A23001d 客运总量(万人)(市区) Total Passenger Traffic(10000 persons)(District)
    A23003 铁路客运量(万人) Passenger Traffic by Railway(10000 persons)
    A23003d 铁路客运量(万人)(市区) Passenger Traffic by Railway(10000 persons)(District)
    A23005 公路客运量(万人) Passenger Traffic by Highway(10000 persons)
    A23005d 公路客运量(万人)(市区) Passenger Traffic by Highway(10000 persons)(District)
    A24001 年末邮电局(处) Number of Post & Telecommunication Offices at Year-end(unit)
    A24001d 年末邮电局(处)(市区) Number of Post & Telecommunication Offices at Year-end(unit)(District)
    A24007 本地电话用户(万户) Number of Local Telephone Users(10000  subscribers)
    A24007d 本地电话用户(万户)(市区) Number of Local Telephone Users(10000  subscribers)(District)
    A25001 全年供水总量(亿吨) Annual Supply of Tap Water(100 million tons)
    A25001d 全年供水总量(亿吨)(市区) Annual Supply of Tap Water(100 million tons)(District)
    A25003 全年用电总量(万千瓦时) Total Yearly Electricity Consumption(10000 kwh)
    A25003d 全年用电总量(万千瓦时)(市区) Total Yearly Electricity Consumption(10000 kwh)(District)
    A25005 煤气家庭用量(亿立方米) Household Consumption of Coal Gas(100 million cu.m)
    A25005d 煤气家庭用量(亿立方米)(市区) Household Consumption of Coal Gas(100 million cu.m)(District)
    A25006 液化石油气家庭用量(万吨) Household Consumption of Liquefied Petrol Gas(10000 tons)
    A25006d 液化石油气家庭用量(万吨)(市区) Household Consumption of Liquefied Petrol Gas(10000 tons)(District)
    A26001 年末实有铺装道路面积(万平方米) Area of Paved Roads by Year-end(10000 sq.m)
    A26001d 年末实有铺装道路面积(万平方米)(市区) Area of Paved Roads by Year-end(10000 sq.m)(District)
    A26002 人均铺装道路面积(平方米) Area of paved Rodas Per Capita(sq.m)
    A26002d 人均铺装道路面积(平方米)(市区) Area of paved Rodas Per Capita(sq.m)(District)
    A26003 年末实有公共营运汽电车(辆) Number of Public Transportation Vehicles by Year-end (Buses and Trolley Buses etc.)(unit)
    A26003d 年末实有公共营运汽电车(辆)(市区) Number of Public Transportation Vehicles by Year-end (Buses and Trolley Buses etc.)(unit)(District)
    A26004 每万人拥有公共汽电车(标台) Number of Public Transportation Vehicles Per 10,000 Persons(unit)
    A26004d 每万人拥有公共汽电车(标台)(市区) Number of Public Transportation Vehicles Per 10,000 Persons(unit)(District)
    A26005 公共汽电车客运总数(万人次) Number of Passengers Carried by Public Transportation Vehicles(10000 person-times)
    A26005d 公共汽电车客运总数(万人次)(市区) Number of Passengers Carried by Public Transportation Vehicles(10000 person-times)(District)
    A26006 年末实有出租汽车(辆) Number of Cabs by Year-end(unit)
    A26006d 年末实有出租汽车(辆)(市区) Number of Cabs by Year-end(unit)(District)
    A27001 工业固体废物综合利用率(%) Industry Solid Waste Comprehensive Use Factor(%)
    A27001d 工业固体废物综合利用率(%)(市区) Industry Solid Waste Comprehensive Use Factor(%)(District)
    A27002 工业二氧化硫排放量(吨) Volume of Sulphur Dioxide Exhausted(ton)
    A27002d 工业二氧化硫排放量(吨)(市区) Volume of Sulphur Dioxide Exhausted(ton)(District)
    The List of Variables for County Level Cities
    Variables Chinese English
    A01001 年末总人口(万人) Total Population at year-end(10000 persons)
    A01003 非农业人口(万人) Non-agricultural Population(10000 persons)
    A01005 自然增长率(‰) Natural Growth Rate(‰)
    A02007 单位从业人员(万人) Number of Employees(10000 persons)
    A02009 年末城镇失业(登记)人数(万人) Number of Urban Registered Unemployees at  Year-end(10000 persons)
    A03001 第一产业从业人员(万人) Proportion of Employees in Primary Industry(10000 persons)
    A03003 第二产业从业人员(万人) Proportion of Employees in Secondary Industry(10000 persons)
    A03005 第三产业从业人员(万人) Proportion of Employees in Tertiary Industry(10000 persons)
    A05001 土地面积(万平方公里) Land Area(10000sq.km)
    A05003 土地面积(建成区)(平方公里) Land Area(Completed Construction Area)(sq.km)
    A05004 年末实有耕地面积(千公顷) Cultivated Land by Year-end(1000 hectares)
    A06001 国内生产总值(亿元) Gross Domestic Product(100 million yuan)
    A06003 第一产业GDP(亿元) Primary Industry Percentage(100 million yuan)
    A06005 第二产业GDP(亿元) Secondary Industry Percentage(100 million yuan)
    A06007 第三产业GDP(亿元) Tertiary Industry Percentage(100 million yuan)
    A06011 第一产业国内生产总值(亿元) GDP of Primary Industry(100 million yuan)
    A06012 第二产业国内生产总值(亿元) GDP of Secondary Industry(100 million yuan)
    A06013 第三产业国内生产总值(亿元) GDP of Tertiary Industry(100 million yuan)
    A06014 人均国内生产总值(元每人) Per Capital of Gross Domestic Product(yuan person)
    A07002 主要农产品产量  蔬菜(万吨) Yield of Major Farm Crops Vegetables(10000 tons)
    A07003 主要农产品产量   水果(万吨) Yield of Major Farm Crops Fruits(10000 tons)
    A07004 主要农产品产量  水产品(万吨) Yield of Major Farm Products Total Aquatic Products(10000 tons)
    A07008 主要农产品产量   肉类(万吨) Yield of Major Farm Crops     Meat(10000 tons)
    A07009 主要农产品产量   奶类(万吨) Yield of Major Farm Crops     Milk(10000 tons)
    A09007 限额以上工业总产值(亿元) Gross Industrial Output Value of Enterprises above Designated Size(100 million yuan)
    A09009 限额以上工业企业单位数(个) Number of Enterprises above Designated Size(unit)
    A12001 固定资产投资总额(亿元) Investment in Fixed Assets(100 million yuan)
    A12005 房地产开发投资额(亿元) Investment in Real Estate Development(100 million yuan)
    A13001 批发零售贸易业商品销售总额(亿元) Sales Value in Wholesale and Retail Sale Trade(100 million yuan)
    A13003 社会消费品零售总额(亿元) Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods(100 million yuan)
    A15001 地方财政预算内收入(亿元) Budgetary Revenue of Local Government(100 million yuan)
    A15003 地方财政预算内支出(亿元) Budgetary Expenditure of Local Government(100 million yuan)
    A16002 年末金融机构各项贷款余额(亿元) Loan(100 million yuan)
    A16003 城乡居民储蓄年末余额(亿元) Outstanding Amount of Savings Deposit of Urban and Rural Residents at Year-end(100 million yuan)
    A17005 职工平均工资(元) Average Wage of Staff and Workers(yuan)
    A17007 在岗职工平均人数(万人) Average Number of Employees(10000 persons)
    A17009 在岗职工工资总额(亿元) Total Wage of Employees(100 million yuan)
    A18003 普通中学(所) Number of Regular Secondary Schools(unit)
    A18005 小学(所) Number of Primary Schools(unit)
    A19003 普通中学专任教师数(万人) Number of Full-time Teachers in Regular Secondary Schools(10000 persons)
    A19005 小学专任教师数(万人) Number of Full-time Teachers in Primary Schools(10000 persons)
    A20003 普通中学在校学生数(万人) Student Enrollment in Regular Secondary Schools(10000 persons)
    A20005 小学在校学生数(万人) Student Enrollment in Primary Schools(10000 persons)
    A22001 医院数(个) Number of Hospitals(unit)
    A22003 医院床位数(万张) Number of Beds in Hospitals(10000 units)
    A24007 本地电话用户(万户) Number of Local Telephone Users(10000  subscribers)


  Email: office@chinadatacenter.net