Atlas of Religions in China
Order ID: CDC-A-2010-001
Publisher: All China Marketing Research Co., Ltd
Publication Date: 3/15/2010 12:00:00 AM
Format: GIS Shape File
Languages: English and Chinese
Price: $1,800 (for academic users)
This GIS based data product has integrated those official religious data from the 2004 China Economic Census and the ZIP maps of Mainland China. The atlas provides a total of about 70,000 religious sites (Buddhism, Taoism, Christianity, Muslim, and others) on Mainland China. Each site includes site name, address, contact information, County GB Code, postcode, starting year, primary activities, and employee scale.
Table of Contents:
Variable Description
ID - The Identity ID of each site
Type - The type of religions (for reference only, not necessarily accurate)
Site_Ch - Name of the site in Chinese
Site_En - Name of the site in English
Source - Source of the data (1 - unit with legal status; 0 - unit without independent legal status)
Name_Ch - Name of contact person in Chinese
Name_En - Name of contact person in English
Addr_Ch - Address in Chinese
Addr_En - Address in English
AreaCode - Area code of phone number
Tel - Phone number
Zip2004 - Post code in 2004
PriAct_Ch - Primary activities in Chinese
PriAct_En - Primary activities in English
OwnCode - Ownership code
Own_Ch - Type of ownership in Chinese
Own_En - Type of ownership in English
StartYear - Starting year
RenuCode - Code of revenue range
Renu_Ch - Revenue range in Chinese
Renu_En - Revenue range in English
EmpCode - Code of employee scale
Emp_Ch - Employee scale in Chinese
Emp_En - Employee scale in English
GBProv - GB Code for Province
Prov_Ch - Province name in Chinese
Prov_En - Province name in English
GBCity - GB Code for City
City_Ch - City name in Chinese
City_En - City name in English
GBCnty00 - GB Code for County in 2000
Cnty00_Ch - County name in Chinese in 2000
Cnty00_En - County name in English in 2000
GBCnty04 - County code in 2004
Cnty04_Ch - County Chinese name in 2004
Cnty04_En - County English name in 2004
GBTwp - GB Code for Township
Twp_Ch - Township name in Chinese
Twp_En - Township name in English
ZIP - Postcode (adjusted)
PointX - X coordinate
PointY - Y coordinate