Order ID: CDC-S-2008-039
Publisher: All China Market Research Co., Itd
Publication Date: 1/1/2006 12:00:00 AM
Format: Excel and HTM Files on CD
Languages: English and Chinese
Price: $300 (for academic users)
Delivery: Airmail
Table of Contents:
1. Summary
1. Total Population
2. Total Households
3. Total Population by Nationalities
4. Total Population and Sex Ratio
5. Total Number of Households and Total Population
6. Population of Cities (Excluding counties under jurisdiction of cities) and Towns
7. Population by Age Groups
8. Population by Educational Level of Elementary School and Above
9. The Illiterate and Semi-Literate Population
10. Population by Industry
11. Population by Occupation
12. Unemployed Population
13. Marital Status of the People Aged 15 and Over
14. Women Aged 15-64 by number of Children ever Born Alive
15. Women Aged 15-64 by Number of Children Surviving
16. Fertility Status of Women at Childbearing Age in 1981
2. Population Distribution by Region
17. Cities (Excluding counties under jurisdiction of cities) by Number of Population
18. Cities (Excluding counties under jurisdiction of cities) by Number of Population*
19. List of cities (Excluding counties under jurisdiction of cities) by Number of Population
20. List of cities (Excluding counties and suburban communes under cities) by Number of Population
21. Population in Cities (Excluding counties under jurisdiction of cities)*
22. Towns in the Whole Country by Number of Population
23. Towns in Each Province, Municipality and Autonomous Region by Number of Population
24. Number of Households and Number of Population in Towns*
25. Counties in Each Province, Municipality and Autonomous Region by Number of Population*
26. Number of Households and Number of Population in Counties and Cities
3. Nationality
27. Population by Nationality*
28. Age Distribution of Population by Minority
29. Educational Level of Population by Minority
30. Illiterate and Semi-Literate Population of Minority
31. Population of Minority by Industry
32. Population of Minority by Occupation
33. Status of Unemployed Population of Minority
4. Age
34. Age Distribution of the Total Population
35. Age Distribution of Population in Cities (Excluding city-administered counties)
36. Age Distribution of Population in Towns
37. Population in Counties (Excluding towns)
38. Population in Cities, Towns and Counties by Age Group
39. Total Population Aged 100 and Above*
40. Status of Population at Working Age by City, Town and County*
41. Age Distribution of the Death in the Nation in 1981
42. Age Distribution of the Death in All the Cities (Excluding city-administered
43. Age Distribution of the Death in Towns in 1981
44. Age Distribution of the Death in Counties (Excluding towns) in 1981
5. Education
45. Educational Level of the Population Aged 6 and over*
46. Population by Sex and Educational Level*
47. Educational Level of the Population Aged 6 and Above by Age Groups
48. Population by Age and Sex with Primary School and Higher Education
49. Illiterate and Semi-Literate Population by Sex and Age Groups
50. Illiterate and Semi-Literate Population by Sex and Age Groups in Cities (Excluding city-administered counties)
51. Illiterate and Semi-Literate Population by Sex and Age Groups in Counties
52. Illiterate and Semi-Literate Population in Cities (Excluding city-administered counties)*
53. Illiterate and Semi-Literate Population in Counties*
6. Industry and Occupation
54. Employment by Industry*
55. Employment by Occupation*
56. Number of Population by Industry and Sex
57. Number of Population by Occupation and Sex
58. Number of the Population by Industry and Sex
59. Number of the Population by Occupation and Sex in Cities, Towns and Counties
60. Occupation Distribution of the Population by Industry
61. Age Structure of Population by Occupation
62. Age Structure of Population by Industry
63. Number of Working People in the Industrial Departments by Industry
64. Educational Level of Population by Industry
65. Educational Level of Population by Occupation
66. Number of Working People, Aged 15-64 by Age Groups
67. Number of Population Waiting for Job by Age and Sex in Cities and Towns
68. Educational Level of Population Waiting for Job in City and Town*
7. Household, Marriage and Fertility
69. Size of Household*
70. Types of Household*
71. Marital Status of the Population by Age Groups
72. Number of Females Aged 15-64 by Age and Number of Children Born Alive
73. Number of Females Aged 15-64 by Age and Number of Children Surviving
74. Number of Females Aged 15-64 of Minority Nationality by Number of Children Born Alive
75. Number of Females Aged 15-64 of Minority Nationality by Number of Children Surviving
76. Status of the Children Born Alive and Surviving by Females Aged 15-64
77. Status of Birth Parity of the Females at Childbearing Age in 1981 by Age Groups
78. Status of Birth Parity of the Females at Childbearing Age in 1981 by Educational Level
79. Status of Birth Parity of the Females at Childbearing Age in 1981 by Occupation
Appendix One: Communiques on the Major Figures of the First, Second, and Third National Population Censuses
1. Communique of the State Statistical Bureau of the People's Republic of China on the Results of the First National Population Census (1953)
2. Major Figures
3. Communique of the State Statistical Bureau of the People's Republic of China on the Major Figures of the 1982 National Population Census
4. Major Figures by Manual Tabulation on the Third National Population Census
5. Administrative Division of the Provinces, Municipalities and Autonomous Regions in 1982
Appendix Two: Major Documents of the Third Population Census