This collection includes 2,876 county and urban district population Census data assemblies with more than 330,000 electronic tables in Excel files from the 5th China population Census. The data is aggregated at city district, county and township levels.
1 General Information
1-1 Family households, population and sex ratio by township
1-2 Population by sex, household registration status and by township
1-3 Status of registered population by sex and township
1-4 In-Coming population from different household registration places by sex and township
1-5 Agricultural and non-agricultural population by sex and township
1-6 Population by sex, nationality and by township
1-7 Population by sex, age and by township
1-8 Population aged 6 and over by sex, education attainment and township
1-9 Illiterate population aged 15 and over by sex and township
1-10 Family households by size and township
1-11 Family households by type and township
1-12 Births by sex, month of birth and by township (1999.11.1-2000.10.31)
1-13 Deaths by sex, month of death and by township (1999311.1-2000.10.31)
1-14 Number of rooms and space of family households by township
2 Nationalities
2-1 Population of different nationalities by age and sex
2-2 Population of different nationalities aged 6 and over by sex and education attainment
2-3 Deaths by month of death and nationality (1999.11.1-2000.10.31)
3 Age
3-1 Population by age and sex
3-2 Index of age composition by township (I)
3-3 Index of age composition by township (II)
4 Education
4-1 Population aged 6 and over by age, sex and education attainment
4-2 Illiterate population aged 15 and over by age and sex
5 Households
5-1 Family households by size and type
5-2 Family households with only one family member by age and sex
5-3 Family households with more than one nationalities by township
5-4 Family households with persons aged 0-19 by township
5-5 Family households with persons aged 60 and over by township
5-6 Family households with persons aged 65 and over by township
5-7 Family househeads by age and sex
6 Deaths
6-1 Deaths by sex, age and township (1999.11.1-2000.10.31)
6-2 Deaths aged 6 and over by sex, education attainment and by township (1999.11.1-2000.10.31)
6-3 Deaths aged 15 and over by sex, marital status and by township (1999.11.1-2000.10.31)
6-4 Deaths and death rate by age and sex (1999.11.1-2000.10.31)
6-5 Deaths by age, sex and month
7 Migration
7-1 Population by current residence and place of household registration
7-2 Population by current residence and place of household registration in other townships
8 Housing
8-1 Family households by number of dwelling rooms and by township
8-2 Family households by dwelling space per person and by township
8-3 Family households by number of generations, dwelling rooms and by township
8-4 Housing status by education attainment of family househeads
8-5 Dwelling space per person of family household by education attainment
L-1 General Information
L1-1 Family households, population and sex ratio by township
L1-2 Employment by sex, township and industry
L1-3 Employment by sex, township and occupation
L1-4 Unemployed population by sex and township
L1-5 Employed and unemployed population by sex and township
L1-6 Population aged 15 and over by sex and marital status and by township
L1-7 Births by sex and birth order and by township
L1-8 Women aged 15-50 by number of children ever born and by township
L1-9 Women aged 15-50 by number of surviving children ever born and by township
L-2 Nationality
L2-1 Employment by sex, industry and nationality
L2-2 Employment by sex, occupation and nationality
L2-3 Unemployed population by sex and nationality
L2-4 Population aged 15 and over by sex, marital status and nationality
L2-5 Births by sex, birth order and nationality (1999.11.1-2000.10.31)
L2-6 Women aged 15-50 by number of surviving children ever born and by nationality
L-3 Education
L3-1 Population aged 6 and over by sex, status of school enrollment and education attainment
L3-2 Students of primary and middle school aged 6 and over by age, sex and school-enrollment status
L3-3 Population aged 15 and over by age, sex and level of adult education
L-4 Industries and Occupations
L4-1 Employment by sex, two digits classification of industry and by township
L4-1 Continue
L4-2 Employment by sex, two digits classification of occupation
L4-3 Unemployed population by age and sex and by township
L4-4 Employment by age, sex, education attainment and industry
L4-5 Employment by age, sex, education attainment and occupation
L4-6 Employment by occupation and industry
L4-7 Unemployed population by age, sex and education attainment
L4-8 Unemployed population by sex, education attainment and main occupation before becoming unemployed
L4-9 Employment by sex, industry and working hours
L4-10 Employment by sex, occupation and working hours
L4-11 Unemployed population by age, sex and source of support
L4-12 Family households by size and number of unemployed persons
L-5 Marriage
L5-1 Population by sex, education attainment and age first marriage
L5-2 Population by age, sex an age at first marriage
L5-3 Population by age, sex, education attainment and marital status
L5-4 Population by sex, occupation and marital status
L-6 Fertility
L6-1 Age-specific fertility rate and total fertility rate of women aged 15-50 by township
L6-2 Fertility status of women aged 15-50 by age and birth order (1999.11.1-2000.10.31)
L6-3 Women aged 15-50 by age, education attainment and birth order (1999.11.1-2000.10.31)
L6-4 Women aged 15-50 by occupation and birth order
L6-5 Women age 15-50 by education attainment and number of children ever born
L6-6 Women age 15-50 by occupation and number of children ever born
L6-7 Women age 15-50 by education attainment and number of surviving children
L6-8 Women aged 15-50 by occupation and number of surviving children
L6-9 Number of children ever born and surviving to women aged 15 - 5O by township
L6-10 Number of children ever born and surviving by age of women aged 15-50
L6-11 Number of children ever born and surviving by education attainment of women age 15-50
L-7 Migration
L7-1 Population by current residence and place of birth (City)
L7-2 Population by current residence and by time of migrating to current township, town and street committee
L7-3 Population by current residence and type of emigration place
L7-4 Population by current residence and usual residence 5 years ago
L7-5 Population by age sex and emigration reasons
L7-6-1 Population by current residence, type of emigration place and education attainment (intra-township)
L7-6-2 Population by current residence, type of emigration place and education attainment (inter-township)
L7-7-1 Population by current residence emigration place and occupation (intra-township)
L7-7-2 Population by current residence emigration place and occupation (inter-township)
L7-8 Women having births during 1999 11.l - 2000.10.31 by current residence, place of household registration and birth order
L-8 Housing
L8-1 Family households by the use of houses, whether living with other families single or multi floors, outer wall materials and by township
L8-2 Status of family houses by time of construction and by township
L8-3 Housing facilities by township
L8-4 Family households by source of houses and by township
L8-5 Family households by expenditure on purchasing or building houses and by township
L8-6 Family households by monthly housing rent and by township
L8-7 Family households by education attainment of househeads and source of houses
L8-8 Family households by education attainment of househeads and by expenditure on purchasing or building houses
L8-9 Family households by education attainment of househeads and monthly housing rent
L8-10 Family households by occupation of househeads and source of houses
L8-11 Family households by occupation of househeads and by expenditure on purchasing or building houses
L8-12 Family households by occupation of househeads and monthly housing rent
L8-13 Status of houses by occupation of househeads
L8-14 Dwelling space per person by occupation of household members
Appendix 1: The Population Data of the People's Army of China
Appendix 1.1: The Composition of the People's Army by Age and Sex
Appendix 1.2: The Composition of Nationalities of the People's Army
Appendix 1.3: The Education Levels of People's Army
Appendix 2: The Gazette on Athe 5th Population Census in 2000
Appendix 2.1: The Gazette on Athe 5th China Population Census in 2000 (I)
Appendix 2.2: The Gazette on Athe 5th China Population Census in 2000 (II)
Appendix 3: The Order 277 by the State Council of China
Appendix 4: The Forms for the 5th Population Census
Appendix 5: The Instruction for the 5th Population Census Forms
Appendix 6: The Instruction for the 5th Population Census Long Forms
Appendix 7: The Rule for Defining Urban and Rural in Statistics(draft)
Appendix 8: Notes on the 5th Population Census Data Assembly