The List of Variables for Prefecture Level Cities |
ID |
A01001 |
年末总人口(万人) |
Total Population at year-end(10,000 persons) |
A01002 |
年末总人口(万人)(市区) |
Total Population at year-end(10,000 persons)(city) |
A01003 |
非农业人口(万人) |
Non-agricultural Population(10,000 persons) |
A01004 |
非农业人口(万人)(市区) |
Non-agricultural Population(city) |
A01005 |
自然增长率(‰) |
Natural Growth Rate(‰) |
A01006 |
自然增长率(‰)(市区) |
Natural Growth Rate(‰)(city) |
A02007 |
单位从业人员(万人) |
Number of Employees(10,000 persons) |
A02008 |
单位从业人员(万人)(市区) |
Number of Employees(10,000 persons) (city) |
A02009 |
年末城镇失业(登记)人数(人) |
Number of Urban Registered Unemployees at Year-end(person) |
A02010 |
年末城镇失业(登记)人数(人)(市区) |
Number of Urban Registered Unemployees at Year-end (person) (city) |
A02011 |
私营和个体丛业人员(人) |
Number of Employed Persons in Urban Private Enpterprises and Self-employed Individuals at the Year-end(person) |
A02012 |
私营和个体丛业人员(人)(市区) |
Number of Employed Persons in Urban Private Enpterprises and Self-employed Individuals at the Year-end (person) (district) |
A02013 |
第一产业从业人员(万人)(地区) |
Proportion of Employees in Primary Industry(10,000 persons) |
A02014 |
第一产业从业人员(万人)(市区) |
Proportion of Employees in Primary Industry(10,000 persons)(city) |
A02015 |
第二产业从业人员(万人)(地区) |
Proportion of Employees in Secondary Industry(10,000 persons) |
A02016 |
第二产业从业人员(万人)(市区) |
Proportion of Employees in Secondary Industry(10,000 persons)(city) |
A02017 |
第三产业从业人员(万人)(地区) |
Proportion of Employees in Tertiary Industry(10,000 persons) |
A02018 |
第三产业从业人员(万人)(市区) |
Proportion of Employees in Tertiary Industry(10,000 persons)(city) |
A03001 |
第一产业单位从业人员比重(%) |
Proportion of Employees in Primary Industry (%) |
A03002 |
第一产业单位从业人员比重(%)(市区) |
Proportion of Employees in Primary Industry (%) (city) |
A03003 |
第二产业单位从业人员比重(%) |
Proportion of Employees in Secondary Industry (%) |
A03004 |
第二产业单位从业人员比重(%)(市区) |
Proportion of Employees in Secondary Industry (%)(city) |
A03005 |
第三产业单位从业人员比重(%) |
Proportion of Employees in Tertiary Industry (%) |
A03006 |
第三产业单位从业人员比重(%)(市区) |
Proportion of Employees in Tertiary Industry (%)(city) |
A04001 |
农林牧渔业(万人) |
Number of Labors in Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry,Fishery(10,000 persons) |
A04002 |
农林牧渔业(万人)(市区) |
Number of Labors in Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry,Fishery(10,000 persons)(city) |
A04003 |
采掘业(万人) |
Mining and Quarrying(10,000 persons) |
A04004 |
采掘业(万人)(市区) |
Mining and Quarrying(10,000 persons)(city) |
A04005 |
制造业(万人) |
Manufacturing(10,000 persons) |
A04006 |
制造业(万人)(市区) |
Manufacturing(10,000 persons)(city) |
A04007 |
电力煤气及水生产供应业(万人) |
Electric Power,Gas and Water Production and Supply(10,000 persons) |
A04008 |
电力煤气及水生产供应业(万人)(市区) |
Electric Power,Gas and Water Production and Supply(10,000 persons)(city) |
A04009 |
建筑业(万人) |
Construction(10,000 persons) |
A04010 |
建筑业(万人)(市区) |
Construction(10,000 persons)(city) |
A04013 |
交通仓储邮电业(万人) |
Transportation,Storage,Post and Telecommunications(10,000 persons) |
A04014 |
交通仓储邮电业(万人)(市区) |
Transportation,Storage,Post and Telecommunications(10,000 persons)(city) |
A04015 |
批发零售贸易业(万人) |
Wholesale & Retail Trade(10,000 persons) |
A04016 |
批发零售贸易业(万人)(市区) |
Wholesale & Retail Trade(10,000 persons)(city) |
A04017 |
金融保险业(万人) |
Banking and Insurance(10,000 persons) |
A04018 |
金融保险业(万人)(市区) |
Banking and Insurance(10,000 persons)(city) |
A04019 |
房地产业(万人) |
Real Estate(10,000 persons) |
A04020 |
房地产业(万人)(市区) |
Real Estate(10,000 persons)(city) |
A04031 |
信息传输、计算机服务和软件业(万人) |
Information Transmission,Computer Software and Services(10,000 persons) |
A04032 |
信息传输、计算机服务和软件业(万人)(市区) |
Information Transmission,Computer Software and Services(10,000 persons)(city) |
A04033 |
住宿、餐饮业(万人) |
Lodgings and Catering Services(10,000 persons) |
A04034 |
住宿、餐饮业(万人)(市区) |
Lodgings and Catering Services(10,000 persons)(city) |
A04035 |
租赁和商业服务业(万人) |
Rent and Business Services(10,000 persons) |
A04036 |
租赁和商业服务业(万人)(市区) |
Rent and Business Services(10,000 persons)(city) |
A04037 |
科研、技术服务和地质勘查业(万人) |
Scientific Research, Technical Service and Geologic Prospecting(10,000 persons) |
A04038 |
科研、技术服务和地质勘查业(万人)(市区) |
Scientific Research, Technical Service and Geologic Prospecting(10,000 persons) (city) |
A04039 |
水利、环境和公共设施管理业(万人) |
Management of Water Conservancy, Environment and Public Facilities(10,000 persons) |
A04040 |
水利、环境和公共设施管理业(万人)(市区) |
Management of Water Conservancy, Environment and Public Facilities(10,000 persons) (city) |
A04041 |
居民服务和其他服务业(万人) |
Social Services(10,000 persons) |
A04042 |
居民服务和其他服务业(万人)(市区) |
Social Services(10,000 persons) (city) |
A04043 |
教育(万人) |
Education(10,000 persons) |
A04044 |
教育(万人)(市区) |
Education(10,000 persons)(city) |
A04045 |
卫生、社会保险和社会福利业(万人) |
Health, Social Security and Social Welfare(10,000 persons) |
A04046 |
卫生、社会保险和社会福利业(万人)(市区) |
Health, Social Security and Social Welfare(10,000 persons) (city) |
A04047 |
文化、体育和娱乐业(万人) |
Culture,Sports and Entertainment(10,000 persons) |
A04048 |
文化、体育和娱乐业(万人)(市区) |
Culture,Sports and Entertainment(10,000 persons)(city) |
A04049 |
公共管理和社会组织(万人) |
Public Management and Social Organization(10,000 persons) |
A04050 |
公共管理和社会组织(万人)(市区) |
Public Management and Social Organization(10,000 persons) (city) |
A05001 |
土地面积(平方公里) |
Land Area( |
A05002 |
土地面积(平方公里)(市区) |
Land Area( |
A05003A |
土地面积(建成区)(平方公里) |
Land Area(Completed Construction Area)( |
A05003B |
土地面积(建成区)(平方公里)(市区) |
Land Area(Completed Construction Area)( (city) |
A05004 |
年末实有耕地面积(千公顷) |
Cultivated Land by Year-end(1000 hectares) |
A05006A |
园林绿地面积(万公顷) |
Park,Garden and Green Area(10000 hectare) |
A05006B |
园林绿地面积(万公顷)(市区) |
Park,Garden and Green Area(10000 hectare) (city) |
A05007 |
人口密度(人每平方公里) |
Population Density(person per |
A05008 |
人口密度(人每平方公里)(市区) |
Population Density(person per
(city) |
A05009 |
人均耕地面积(公顷) |
Per Capita Cultivated Land(hectare) |
A05011A |
建成区绿化覆盖率(%) |
Coverage Rate of Green Area in Completed Construction Area(%) |
A05011B |
建成区绿化覆盖率(%)(市区) |
Coverage Rate of Green Area in Completed Construction Area(%)
(city) |
A05012A |
城市建设用地面积(平方公里) |
Land Area for construction( |
A05012B |
城市建设用地面积(平方公里)(市区) |
Land Area for construction( |
A05013A |
城市建设用地占市辖区面积比重(%)(市区) |
Proportion of Land Area (%)(city) |
A05013B |
城市建设用地占市辖区面积比重(%)(市区)(市区) |
Proportion of Land Area (%)(city)(city) |
A05014A |
公共绿地面积(公顷) |
Public Green Areas(hectare) |
A05014B |
公共绿地面积(公顷)(市区) |
Public Green Areas(hectare)(city) |
A05015A |
建成区绿化覆盖面积(公顷) |
Green Areas in Developed Land(hectare) |
A05015B |
建成区绿化覆盖面积(公顷)(市区) |
Green Areas in Developed Land(hectare)(city) |
A05016A |
人均绿地面积(平方米/人) |
Per Green Area(Sq/person) |
A05016B |
人均绿地面积(平方米/人)(市区) |
Per Green Area(Sq/person)(city) |
A06001 |
国内生产总值(万元) |
Gross Domestic Product(10,000 yuan) |
A06002 |
国内生产总值(万元)(市区) |
Gross Domestic Product (10,000 yuan)(city) |
A06003 |
第一产业占GDP的比重(%) |
Primary Industry Percentage(%) |
A06004 |
第一产业占GDP的比重(%)(市区) |
Primary Industry Percentage(%) (city) |
A06005 |
第二产业占GDP的比重(%) |
Secondary Industry Percentage(%) |
A06006 |
第二产业占GDP的比重(%)(市区) |
Secondary Industry Percentage(%) (city) |
A06007 |
第三产业占GDP的比重(%) |
Tertiary Industry Percentage(%) |
A06008 |
第三产业占GDP的比重(%)(市区) |
Tertiary Industry Percentage(%) (city) |
A06009 |
国内生产总值比上年增长(%)(当年价格) |
Year-on-year % Increase of GDP |
A06010 |
国内生产总值比上年增长(%)(当年价格)(市区) |
Year-on-year % Increase of GDP (city) |
A06011A |
第一产业国内生产总值(亿元) |
GDP of Primary Industry(100 million yuan) |
A06011B |
第一产业国内生产总值(亿元)(市区) |
GDP of Primary Industry(100 million yuan) (district) |
A06012A |
第二产业国内生产总值(亿元) |
GDP of Secondary Industry(100 million yuan) |
A06012B |
第二产业国内生产总值(亿元)(市区) |
GDP of Secondary Industry(100 million yuan) (district) |
A06013A |
第三产业国内生产总值(亿元) |
GDP of Tertiary Industry(100 million yuan) |
A06013B |
第三产业国内生产总值(亿元)(市区) |
GDP of Tertiary Industry(100 million yuan) (district) |
A06014 |
人均国内生产总值(元每人) |
Per Capital of Gross Domestic Product(yuan person) |
A06015 |
人均国内生产总值(元每人)(市区) |
Per Capital of Gross Domestic Product (yuan/person) (district) |
A07002 |
主要农产品产量 蔬菜(万吨) |
Yield of Major Farm Crops Vegetables(10000 tons) |
A07003 |
主要农产品产量 水果(吨) |
Yield of Major Farm Crops Fruits(ton) |
A07004 |
主要农产品产量 水产品(吨) |
Yield of Major Farm Products Total Aquatic Products(ton) |
A07008 |
主要农产品产量 肉类(吨) |
Yield of Major Farm Crops Meat(ton) |
A07009 |
主要农产品产量 奶类(吨) |
Yield of Major Farm Crops Milk (ton) |
A08002 |
人均水产品产量(公斤) |
Per Capita Yield of Aquatic(kg) |
A08004 |
人均蔬菜产量(公斤) |
Per Capita Yield of Vegetables(kg) |
A08006 |
人均牛羊奶产量(公斤) |
Per Capita Yield of Milk(kg) |
A08007 |
人均肉产量(公斤) |
Per Capita Yield of Meat(kg) |
A08008 |
人均水果产量(公斤) |
Per Capita Yield of fruits(kg) |
A09007 |
限额以上工业总产值(万元) |
Gross Industrial Output Value of Enterprises above Designated Size(10000 yuan) |
A09008 |
限额以上工业总产值(万元)(市区) |
Gross Industrial Output Value of Enterprises above Designated Size(10000 yuan) (city) |
A09009 |
限额以上工业企业单位数(个) |
Number of Enterprises above Designated Size(unit) |
A09010 |
限额以上工业企业单位数(个)(市区) |
Number of Enterprises above Designated Size(unit) (city) |
A09011 |
内资企业工业总产值(万元) |
Gross Industrial Output Value of Domestic-funded Enterprises(10000 yuan) |
A09012 |
内资企业工业总产值(万元)(市区) |
Gross Industrial Output Value of Domestic-funded Enterprises(10000 yuan) (city) |
A09013 |
港澳台投资企业工业总产值(万元) |
Gross Industrial Output Value of Enterprises Funded by Hongkong, Macao and Taiwan Investors(10000 yuan) |
A09014 |
港澳台投资企业工业总产值(万元)(市区) |
Gross Industrial Output Value of Enterprises Funded by Hongkong, Macao and Taiwan Investors(10000 yuan) (city) |
A09015 |
外商投资企业工业总产值(万元) |
Gross Industrial Output Value of Foreign-funded Enterprises(10000 yuan) |
A09016 |
外商投资企业工业总产值(万元)(市区) |
Gross Industrial Output Value of Foreign-funded Enterprises(10000 yuan) (city) |
A09017 |
年平均从业人员数(万人) |
Average Annual Number of Employees(10,000 persons) |
A09018 |
年平均从业人员数(万人)(市区) |
Average Annual Number of Employees (10,000 persons) (city) |
A09019 |
内资企业工业企业数(个) |
Number of Enterprises of Domestic-funded Enterprises(unit) |
A09020 |
内资企业工业企业数(个)(市区) |
Number of Enterprises of Domestic-funded Enterprises(unit)(city) |
A09021 |
港、澳、台商投资企业工业企业数(个) |
Number of Enterprises of Enterprises Funded by Hongkong, Macao and Taiwan Investors(unit) |
A09022 |
港、澳、台商投资企业工业企业数(个)(市区) |
Number of Enterprises of Enterprises Funded by Hongkong, Macao and Taiwan Investors(unit) (city) |
A09023 |
外商投资企业工业企业数(个) |
Number of Enterprises of Foreign-funded Enterprises(unit) |
A09024 |
外商投资企业工业企业数(个)(市区) |
Number of Enterprises of Foreign-funded Enterprises(unit) (city) |
A10001 |
产品销售收入(万元) |
Sales Revenue of Product (10,000 yuan) |
A10002 |
产品销售收入(万元)(市区) |
Sales Revenue of Product (10,000 yuan)(city) |
A10003 |
利润总额(万元)(地区) |
Total Pre-tex Profits(10,000 yuan) |
A10004 |
利润总额(万元)(地区)(市区) |
Total Pre-tex Profits(10,000 yuan)(city) |
A10005 |
本年应交增值税(万元) |
Value-added Tax Payable in This Year(10,000 yuan) |
A10006 |
本年应交增值税(万元)(市区) |
Value-added Tax Payable in This Year(10,000 yuan)(city) |
A10009 |
固定资产净值年平均余额(万元) |
Annual Average Balance of Net Value of Fixed Assets(10,000 yuan) |
A10010 |
固定资产净值年平均余额(万元)(市区) |
Annual Average Balance of Net Value of Fixed Assets(10,000 yuan)(city) |
A10011 |
流动资产年平均余额(亿元) |
Annual Average Balance of Flowing Assets(10,000 yuan) |
A10012 |
流动资产年平均余额(万元)(市区) |
Annual Average Balance of Flowing Assets(10,000 yuan)(city) |
A12001 |
固定资产投资总额(万元) |
Investment in Fixed Assets(10,000 yuan) |
A12002 |
固定资产投资总额(万元)(市区) |
Investment in Fixed Assets(10,000 yuan)(city) |
A12003 |
住宅投资(万元) |
Investment in Residential Buildings(10,000 yuan) |
A12004 |
住宅投资(万元)(市区) |
Investment in Residential Buildings(10,000 yuan)(city) |
A12005 |
房地产开发投资额(万元) |
Investment in Real Estate Development(10,000 yuan) |
A12006 |
房地产开发投资额(万元)(市区) |
Investment in Real Estate Development(10,000 yuan)(city) |
A13001 |
批发零售贸易业商品销售总额(万元) |
Sales Value in Wholesale and Retail Sale Trade(10,000 yuan) |
A13002 |
批发零售贸易业商品销售总额(万元)(市区) |
Sales Value in Wholesale and Retail Sale Trade(10,000 yuan) |
A13003 |
社会消费品零售总额(万元) |
Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods(10,000 yuan) |
A13004 |
社会消费品零售总额(万元)(市区) |
Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods(10,000 yuan)(city) |
A13006 |
限额以上批发零售贸易企业数(个)(地区) |
Number of Corporation above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail Trade (unit) (prefecture) |
A13007 |
限额以上批发零售贸易企业数(个)(地区)(市区) |
Number of Corporation above Designated Size in Wholesale and Retail Trade (unit) (prefecture)(city) |
A14001 |
新签协议合同数(个) |
Number of Newly Signed Contracts(unit) |
A14002 |
新签协议合同数(个)(市区) |
Number of Newly Signed Contracts (city) |
A14003 |
外商协议投资额(万美元) |
Total Foreign Capital from Signed Contracts(USD 10000) |
A14004 |
外商协议投资额(万美元)(市区) |
Total Foreign Capital from Signed Contracts(10,000 US$)(city) |
A14005 |
外商实际投资额(万美元) |
Actually Utilized Foreign Capital(USD 10000) |
A14006 |
外商实际投资额(万美元)(市区) |
Actually Utilized Foreign Capital (10,000 US$)(city) |
A14007A |
当年合同外资金额(万美元) |
Total Foreign Capital from Signed Contracts(USD 10000) |
A14007B |
当年合同外资金额(万美元)(市区) |
Total Foreign Capital from Signed Contracts(USD 10000) (city) |
A14008A |
当年实际使用外资金额(万美元) |
Actually Utilized Foreign Capital in This Year(USD 10000) |
A14008B |
当年实际使用外资金额(万美元)(市区) |
Actually Utilized Foreign Capital in This Year(USD 10000) (city) |
A14009A |
出口总额(千美元) |
Value of Export(1,000 US dollars) |
A14009B |
出口总额(千美元)(市区) |
Value of Export(1,000 US dollars) (city) |
A15001 |
地方财政预算内收入(万元)(市区) |
Budgetary Revenue of Local Government (10,000 yuan)(city) |
A15003 |
地方财政预算内支出(万元)(市区) |
Budgetary Revenue of Local Government (10,000 yuan)(city) |
A15004 |
科学事业费支出(万元)(市区) |
Expenditure for Science Administration (10,000 yuan)(city) |
A15005 |
教育事业费支出(万元)(市区) |
Expenditure for Education Administration (10,000 yuan)(city) |
A15006 |
城乡居民储蓄年末余额(万元)(市区) |
Outstanding Amount of Savings Deposit of Urban and Rural Residents at Year-end(10,000 yuan)(city) |
A15007 |
地方财政预算内收入(万元)(地区) |
Budgetary Revenue of Local Government (10,000 yuan)(prefecture) |
A15008 |
地方财政预算内支出(万元)(地区) |
Budgetary Revenue of Local Government (10,000 yuan)(prefecture) |
A15009 |
教育事业费支出(万元)(地区) |
Expenditure for Education Administration (10,000 yuan)(prefecture) |
A15010 |
科学事业费支出(万元)(地区) |
Expenditure for Science Administration (10,000 yuan)(prefecture) |
A15015 |
年末金融机构各项贷款余额(万元)(地区) |
Deposit(10,000 yuan) |
A15016 |
年末金融机构各项贷款余额(万元)(市区) |
Deposit(10,000 yuan)(city) |
A15017 |
年末金融机构各项存款余额(万元)(地区) |
Loan(10,000 yuan) |
A15018 |
年末金融机构各项存款余额(万元)(市区) |
Loan(10,000 yuan)(city) |
A15019 |
城乡居民储蓄年末余额(万元)(地区) |
Outstanding Amount of Savings Deposit of Urban and Rural Residents at Year-end(10,000 yuan) |
A17005 |
职工平均工资(元) |
Average Wage of Staff and Workers(yuan) |
A17006 |
职工平均工资(元)(市区) |
Average Wage of Staff and Workers(yuan)(city) |
A17007 |
在岗职工平均人数(万人) |
Average Number of Employees(10,000 persons) |
A17008 |
在岗职工平均人数(万人)(市区) |
Average Number of Employees(10,000 persons) (city) |
A17009 |
在岗职工工资总额(万元) |
Total Wage of Employees(10,000 yuan) |
A17010 |
在岗职工工资总额(万元)(市区) |
Total Wage of Employees(10,000 yuan)(city) |
A18001 |
高等学校(所) |
Number of Institutions of Higher Education(unit) |
A18002 |
高等学校(所)(市区) |
Number of Institutions of Higher Education (unit) (city) |
A18003 |
普通中学(所) |
Number of Regular Secondary Schools(unit) |
A18004 |
普通中学(所)(市区) |
Number of Regular Secondary Schools (unit) (city) |
A18005 |
小学(所) |
Number of Primary Schools(unit) |
A18006 |
小学(所)(市区) |
Number of Primary Schools (unit) (city) |
A19001 |
高等学校专任教师数(人) |
Number of Full-time Teachers in Institutions of Higher Education(person) |
A19002 |
高等学校专任教师数(人)(市区) |
Number of Full-time Teachers in Institutions of Higher Education(person)(city) |
A19003 |
普通中学专任教师数(人) |
Number of Full-time Teachers in Regular Secondary Schools(person) |
A19004 |
普通中学专任教师数(人)(市区) |
Number of Full-time Teachers in Regular Secondary Schools (person)(city) |
A19005 |
小学专任教师数(人) |
Number of Full-time Teachers in Primary Schools(person) |
A19006 |
小学专任教师数(人)(市区) |
Number of Full-time Teachers in Primary Schools (person)(city) |
A20001 |
高等学校在校学生数(人) |
Student Enrollment in Institutions of Higher Education(person) |
A20002 |
高等学校在校学生数(人)(市区) |
Student Enrollment in Institutions of Higher Education(person)(city) |
A20003 |
普通中学在校学生数(万人) |
Student Enrollment in Regular Secondary Schools(10,000 persons) |
A20004 |
普通中学在校学生数(万人)(市区) |
Student Enrollment in Regular Secondary Schools (10,000 persons)(prefecture) |
A20005 |
小学在校学生数(万人) |
Student Enrollment in Primary Schools(10,000 persons) |
A20006 |
小学在校学生数(万人)(市区) |
Student Enrollment in Primary Schools (10,000 persons)(city) |
A21001 |
影剧院数(个) |
Theaters and Music Halls(unit) |
A21002 |
影剧院数(个)(市区) |
Theaters and Music Halls (unit)(city) |
A21003 |
公共图书馆总藏量(千册、千件) |
Public Library Collections(1,000 volumes, 1,000 pieces) |
A21004 |
公共图书馆总藏量(千册、千件)(市区) |
Public Library Collections (1,000 volumes, 1,000 pieces)(city) |
A21007A |
人均公共图书馆藏书(册/人) |
Number of Books in Public Libraries Per Capita(volume/person) |
A21007B |
人均公共图书馆藏书(册/人)(市区) |
Number of Books in Public Libraries Per Capita(volume/person) (city) |
A21009 |
人均公共图书馆藏书(册、件)(地区) |
Public Library Collections of person( volumes, pieces) |
A21010 |
人均公共图书馆藏书(册、件)(地区)(市区) |
Public Library Collections of person( volumes, pieces)(city) |
A22001 |
医院数(个) |
Number of Hospitals(unit) |
A22002 |
医院、卫生院数(个)(市区) |
Number of Hospitals (unit)(city) |
A22003 |
医院床位数(张) |
Number of Beds in Hospitals(unit) |
A22004 |
医院、卫生院床位数(张)(市区) |
Number of Beds in Hospitals (unit)(city) |
A22005 |
医生数(人) |
Number of Doctors(person) |
A22006 |
医生数(人)(市区) |
Number of Doctors (person)(city) |
A23001 |
客运总量(万人) |
Total Passenger Traffic(10,000 persons) |
A23003 |
铁路客运量(万人) |
Passenger Traffic by Railway(10,000 persons) |
A23005 |
公路客运量(万人) |
Passenger Traffic by Highway(10,000 persons) |
A23007A |
货运总量(万吨)(地区) |
Total Freight Traffic (10,000 tons)(prefecture) |
A23007B |
货运总量(万吨)(地区)(市区) |
Total Freight Traffic (10,000 tons)(prefecture)(city) |
A23009A |
铁路货运量(万吨)(地区) |
Freight Traffic by Railway (10,000 tons)(prefecture) |
A23009B |
铁路货运量(万吨)(地区)(市区) |
Freight Traffic by Railway (10,000 tons)(prefecture)(city) |
A23011A |
公路货运量(万吨)(地区) |
Freight Traffic by Highway (10,000 tons)(prefecture) |
A23011B |
公路货运量(万吨)(地区)(市区) |
Freight Traffic by Highway (10,000 tons)(prefecture)(city) |
A23013A |
水运客运量(万人)(地区) |
Passenger Traffic of Waterway Transportation(10000 person)(prefecture) |
A23013B |
水运客运量(万人)(地区)(市区) |
Passenger Traffic of Waterway Transportation(10000 person)(prefecture)(city) |
A23014A |
民用航空客运量(人)(地区) |
Passenger Traffic of Civil Aviation(person)(prefecture) |
A23014B |
民用航空客运量(人)(地区)(市区) |
Passenger Traffic of Civil Aviation(person)(prefecture)(city) |
A23015A |
水运货运量(万吨)(地区) |
Freight Traffic of Waterway Transportation(10000 ton)(prefecture) |
A23015B |
水运货运量(万吨)(地区)(市区) |
Freight Traffic of Waterway Transportation(10000 ton)(prefecture)(city) |
A23016A |
民用航空邮运量(万吨) |
Freight Traffic of Civil Aviation(10000 tons) |
A23016B |
民用航空邮运量(万吨)(市区) |
Freight Traffic of Civil Aviation(10000 tons)(city) |
A24001A |
年末邮电局(处) |
Number of Post & Telecommunication Offices at Year-end(unit) |
A24001B |
年末邮电局(处)(市区) |
Number of Post & Telecommunication Offices at Year-end(unit) (city) |
A24002 |
邮政业务收入(亿元) |
Postal Service Income(100 million yuan) |
A24003 |
电信业务收入(亿元) |
Telecommunication Service Income(100 million yuan) |
A24007 |
本地电话用户(万户) |
Number of Local Telephone Users(10000 subscribers) |
A24008 |
本地电话用户(万户)(市区) |
Number of Local Telephone Users(10,000 households) (city) |
A24009 |
邮政业务收入(万元) |
Income of post(10,000 yuan) |
A24010 |
邮政业务收入(万元)(市区) |
Income of post(10,000 yuan)(city) |
A24011 |
电信业务收入(万元) |
Income of Telecom(10,000 yuan) |
A24012 |
电信业务收入(万元)(市区) |
Income of Telecom(10,000 yuan)(city) |
A24013 |
年末移动电话用户数(户) |
Mobile Phones Users(subscriber) |
A24014 |
年末移动电话用户数(户)(市区) |
Mobile Phones Users(subscriber)(city) |
A24015 |
国际互联网用户数(户) |
Internet Service Users(subscriber) |
A24016 |
国际互联网用户数(户)(市区) |
Internet Service Users(subscriber)(city) |
A25001A |
全年供水总量(万吨) |
Annual Supply of Tap Water(10,000 tons) |
A25001B |
全年供水总量(万吨)(市区) |
Annual Supply of Tap Water(10,000 tons)(city) |
A25002A |
人均生活用水量(吨) |
Per Capita Water Consumption for Living(ton) |
A25002B |
人均生活用水量(吨)(市区) |
Per Capita Water Consumption for Living (city)(ton) |
A25003 |
全年用电总量(万千瓦时)(市区) |
Total Yearly Electricity Consumption(10000 kwh) (city) |
A25004 |
人均生活用电量(千瓦小时)(市区) |
Per Capita Electricity Consumption for Living(kwh)(city) |
A25005A |
煤气家庭用量(万立方米) |
Household Consumption of Coal Gas(10,000 cu.m) |
A25005B |
煤气家庭用量(万立方米)(市区) |
Household Consumption of Coal Gas(10,000 cu.m) (city) |
A25006A |
液化石油气家庭用量(吨) |
Household Consumption of Liquefied Petrol Gas(ton) |
A25006B |
液化石油气家庭用量(吨)(市区) |
Household Consumption of Liquefied Petrol Gas(ton) (city) |
A25007A |
居民家庭用水量(万吨) |
Household Consumption of Water (10,000 tons) |
A25007B |
居民家庭用水量(万吨)(市区) |
Household Consumption of Water (10,000 tons)(city) |
A25008A |
工业用电(万千瓦小时) |
Industrial Consumption(10,000 kwh) |
A25008B |
工业用电(万千瓦小时)(市区) |
Industrial Consumption(10,000 kwh)(city) |
A25009A |
煤气供气总量(万立方米) |
Total Supply of Coal Gas (10,000 cu.m) |
A25009B |
煤气供气总量(万立方米)(市区) |
Total Supply of Coal Gas (10,000 cu.m)(city) |
A25010A |
用煤气人口(人) |
Population of Coal Gas Consumption(person) |
A25010B |
用煤气人口(人)(市区) |
Population of Coal Gas Consumption(person)(city) |
A25011A |
液化石油气供气总量(吨) |
Tatal Supply of Liquefied Petroleum Gas(ton) |
A25011B |
液化石油气供气总量(吨)(市区) |
Tatal Supply of Liquefied Petroleum Gas(ton)(city) |
A25012A |
用液化气人口(人) |
Population of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Consumption(person) |
A25012B |
用液化气人口(人)(市区) |
Population of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Consumption(person)(city) |
A25013A |
城镇生活消费用电(万千瓦小时) |
Urban Living Consumption(10,000 kwh) |
A25013B |
城镇生活消费用电(万千瓦小时)(市区) |
Urban Living Consumption(10,000 kwh)(city) |
A26001A |
年末实有铺装道路面积(万平方米) |
Area of Paved Roads by Year-end(10000 sq.m) |
A26001B |
年末实有铺装道路面积(万平方米)(市区) |
Area of Paved Roads by Year-end(10000 sq.m) (city) |
A26002A |
年末实有公共营运汽电车(辆) |
Number of Public Transportation Vehicles by Year-end (Buses and Trolley Buses etc.)(unit) |
A26002B |
年末实有公共营运汽电车(辆)(市区) |
Number of Public Transportation Vehicles by Year-end (Buses and Trolley Buses etc.)(unit) (city) |
A26003A |
公共汽电车客运总数(万人次) |
Number of Passengers Carried by Public Transportation Vehicles(10000 person-times) |
A26003B |
公共汽电车客运总数(万人次)(市区) |
Number of Passengers Carried by Public Transportation Vehicles(10000 person-times) (city) |
A26004A |
年末实有出租汽车(辆) |
Number of Cabs by Year-end(unit) |
A26004B |
年末实有出租汽车(辆)(市区) |
Number of Cabs by Year-end(unit) (city) |
A26005A |
每万人拥有公共汽电车(标台) |
Number of Public Transportation Vehicles Per 10,000 Persons(unit) |
A26005B |
每万人拥有公共汽电车(标台)(市区) |
Number of Public Transportation Vehicles Per 10,000 Persons(unit) (city) |
A26006A |
人均铺装道路面积(平方米) |
Area of paved Rodas Per Capita(sq.m) |
A26006B |
人均铺装道路面积(平方米)(市区) |
Area of paved Rodas Per Capita(sq.m) (city) |
A27004A |
污染源治理本年投资额(万元) |
Investment of Pollution Treatment(10000 yuan) |
A27004B |
污染源治理本年投资额(万元)(市区) |
Investment of Pollution Treatment(10000 yuan)(city) |
A27005A |
城市环境设施投资额(万元) |
Investment of Environment and Facility(10000 yuan) |
A27005B |
城市环境设施投资额(万元)(市区) |
Investment of Environment and Facility(10000 yuan)(city) |
A27006A |
三废综合利用产品产值(万元) |
Output Value of Products Made from Comprehensive Utilization of Waste Gas ,Waste water & soild Wastes(10000 yuan) |
A27006B |
三废综合利用产品产值(万元)(市区) |
Output Value of Products Made from Comprehensive Utilization of Waste Gas ,Waste water & soild Wastes(10000 yuan)(city) |
A27007A |
工业废水排放量(万吨) |
Volume of Waste Water Discharged(10000 ton) |
A27007B |
工业废水排放量(万吨)(市区) |
Volume of Waste Water Discharged(10000 ton)(city) |
A27008A |
工业废水排放达标量(万吨) |
Volume of Waste Water up to the Discharged Standards(10000 ton) |
A27008B |
工业废水排放达标量(万吨)(市区) |
Volume of Waste Water up to the Discharged Standards(10000 ton)(city) |
A27009A |
工业二氧化硫去除量(吨) |
Volume of Sulphur Dioxide Removed(ton) |
A27009B |
工业二氧化硫去除量(吨)(市区) |
Volume of Sulphur Dioxide Removed(ton)(city) |
A27010 |
工业二氧化硫排放量(吨) |
Volume of Sulphur Dioxide Exhausted(ton) |
A27011A |
工业烟尘去除量(吨) |
Volume of soot Removed(ton) |
A27011B |
工业烟尘去除量(吨)(市区) |
Volume of soot Removed(ton)(city) |
A27012A |
工业烟尘排放量(吨) |
Volume of soot Emission(ton) |
A27012B |
工业烟尘排放量(吨)(市区) |
Volume of soot Emission(ton)(city) |
A27013 |
工业固体废物综合利用率(%) |
Industry Solid Waste Comprehensive Use Factor(%) |
A27014A |
城镇生活污水处理率% |
Treatment rate of Living Waste Water(%) |
A27014B |
城镇生活污水处理率%(市区) |
Treatment rate of Living Waste Water(%)(city) |
A27015A |
生活垃圾无害化处理率(%) |
Innocuity treatment rate of Living rubbish(%) |
A27015B |
生活垃圾无害化处理率(%)(市区) |
Innocuity treatment rate of Living rubbish(%)(city) |
The List of Variables for County Level Cities |
ID |
A01001 |
年末总人口(万人) |
Total Population at year-end(10000 persons) |
A01003 |
非农业人口(万人) |
Non-agricultural Population(10000 persons) |
A01005 |
自然增长率(‰) |
Natural Growth Rate(‰) |
A02007 |
单位从业人员(万人) |
Number of Employees(10000 persons) |
A02009 |
年末城镇失业(登记)人数(人) |
Number of Urban Registered Unemployees at Year-end(person) |
A03003 |
第二产业从业人员(万人) |
Proportion of Employees in Secondary Industry(10000 persons) |
A03005 |
第三产业从业人员(万人) |
Proportion of Employees in Tertiary Industry(10000 persons) |
A05001 |
土地面积(平方公里) |
Land Area( |
A05003 |
土地面积(建成区)(平方公里) |
Land Area(Completed Construction Area)( |
A05004 |
年末实有耕地面积(千公顷) |
Cultivated Land by Year-end(1000 hectares) |
A05006 |
园林绿地面积(万公顷) |
Park,Garden and Green Area(10000 hectare) |
A06001 |
国内生产总值(万元) |
Gross Domestic Product(10,000 yuan) |
A06003 |
第一产业占GDP的比重(%) |
Primary Industry Percentage(%) |
A06005 |
第二产业占GDP的比重(%) |
Secondary Industry Percentage(%) |
A06007 |
第三产业占GDP的比重(%) |
Tertiary Industry Percentage(%) |
A06011 |
第一产业国内生产总值(万元) |
GDP of Primary Industry(10,000 yuan) |
A06012 |
第二产业国内生产总值(万元) |
GDP of Secondary Industry(10,000 yuan) |
A06013 |
第三产业国内生产总值(万元) |
GDP of Tertiary Industry(10,000 yuan) |
A06014 |
人均国内生产总值(元每人) |
Per Capital of Gross Domestic Product(yuan person) |
A07002 |
主要农产品产量 蔬菜(万吨) |
Yield of Major Farm Crops Vegetables(10000 tons) |
A07003 |
主要农产品产量 水果(吨) |
Yield of Major Farm Crops Fruits(ton) |
A07004 |
主要农产品产量 水产品(吨) |
Yield of Major Farm Products Total Aquatic Products(ton) |
A07008 |
主要农产品产量 肉类(吨) |
Yield of Major Farm Crops Meat(ton) |
A07009 |
主要农产品产量 奶类(吨) |
Yield of Major Farm Crops Milk(ton) |
A09007 |
限额以上工业总产值(万元) |
Gross Industrial Output Value of Enterprises above Designated Size(10,000 yuan) |
A09009 |
限额以上工业企业单位数(个) |
Number of Enterprises above Designated Size(unit) |
A12001 |
固定资产投资总额(万元) |
Investment in Fixed Assets(10,000 yuan) |
A12005 |
房地产开发投资额(万元) |
Investment in Real Estate Development(10,000 yuan) |
A13001 |
批发零售贸易业商品销售总额(万元) |
Sales Value in Wholesale and Retail Sale Trade(10,000 yuan) |
A13003 |
社会消费品零售总额(万元) |
Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods(10,000 yuan) |
A14003 |
外商协议投资额(万美元) |
Total Foreign Capital from Signed Contracts(USD 10000) |
A14005 |
外商实际投资额(万美元) |
Actually Utilized Foreign Capital(USD 10000) |
A14007 |
当年合同外资金额(万美元) |
Total Foreign Capital from Signed Contracts(USD 10000) |
A14008 |
当年实际使用外资金额(万美元) |
Actually Utilized Foreign Capital in This Year(USD 10000) |
A14009 |
出口总额(万美元) |
Value of Export(10,000 US dollars) |
A15001 |
地方财政预算内收入(万元) |
Budgetary Revenue of Local Government(10,000 yuan) |
A15003 |
地方财政预算内支出(万元) |
Budgetary Expenditure of Local Government(10,000 yuan) |
A16002 |
年末金融机构各项贷款余额(万元) |
Loan(10,000 yuan) |
A16003 |
城乡居民储蓄年末余额(万元) |
Outstanding Amount of Savings Deposit of Urban and Rural Residents at Year-end(10,000 yuan) |
A17005 |
职工平均工资(元) |
Average Wage of Staff and Workers(yuan) |
A17007 |
在岗职工平均人数(万人) |
Average Number of Employees(10000 persons) |
A17009 |
在岗职工工资总额(万元) |
Total Wage of Employees(10,000 yuan) |
A18003 |
普通中学(所) |
Number of Regular Secondary Schools(unit) |
A18005 |
小学(所) |
Number of Primary Schools(unit) |
A19003 |
普通中学专任教师数(人) |
Number of Full-time Teachers in Regular Secondary Schools(person) |
A19005 |
小学专任教师数(人) |
Number of Full-time Teachers in Primary Schools(person) |
A20003 |
普通中学在校学生数(万人) |
Student Enrollment in Regular Secondary Schools(10000 persons) |
A20005 |
小学在校学生数(万人) |
Student Enrollment in Primary Schools(10000 persons) |
A22001 |
医院数(个) |
Number of Hospitals(unit) |
A22003 |
医院床位数(张) |
Number of Beds in Hospitals(unit) |
A22007 |
卫生技术人员数(人) |
Number of Sanitation Technology (person) |
A24007 |
本地电话用户(万户) |
Number of Local Telephone Users(10000 subscribers) |
A25001 |
全年供水总量(亿吨) |
Annual Supply of Tap Water(100 million tons) |
A25002 |
人均生活用水量(吨) |
Per Capita Water Consumption for Living(ton) |
A25006 |
液化石油气家庭用量(吨) |
Household Consumption of Liquefied Petrol Gas(ton) |
A26001 |
年末实有铺装道路面积(万平方米) |
Area of Paved Roads by Year-end(10000 sq.m) |
A26002 |
人均铺装道路面积(平方米) |
Area of paved Rodas Per Capita(sq.m) |
A26003 |
年末实有公共营运汽电车(辆) |
Number of Public Transportation Vehicles by Year-end (Buses and Trolley Buses etc.)(unit) |
A26004 |
每万人拥有公共汽电车(标台) |
Number of Public Transportation Vehicles Per 10,000 Persons(unit) |
A26006 |
年末实有出租汽车(辆) |
Number of Cabs by Year-end(unit) |