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  • China 1995 1% Population Survey Data Assembly
    Order ID:  CDC-S-2008-033
    ISBN:  7-5037-2343-2
    Publisher:  China Statistical Press and All China Marketing Research Co., Ltd.
    Publication Date:  1/1/1997 12:00:00 AM
    Format:  CD
    Languages:  English and Chinese
    Pages:  653
    Price:  $300 (for academic users)
    Delivery:  Mailing
    Product Demo:  
    Sample Data:  
  • Description:  
    All tables in this CD product were compiled from the 1995 1% population survey data, which provides the aggregated population data at national and provincial levels, including general population information, education, employment, marriage, fertility, death, migration, and housing. All tables are available in Excel files on the CD product. The users can use any web browser to browse the data. All tables are in both Chinese and English.
    Table of Contents:  
    Table of Contents:

    I. Sex, Age
    1-1 Population by sex and age and by province
    1-2 Population by sex and age
    1-3 Population by sex and age and by city
    1-4 Town population by sex and age
    1-5 County population by sex and age

    II. Educational Level
    2-1 Population by sex and educational level and by province
    2-2 Population aged 6 and over by sex and educational level
    2-3 City population aged 6 and over by sex and educational level
    2-4 Town population aged 6 and over by sex and educational level
    2-5 County population aged 6 and over by sex and educational level
    2-6 Population aged 6 and over by age, sex, and completion of educational level
    2-7 Population of illiterate and semi-illiterate aged 15 and over by sex and by province
    2-8 Population of illiterate and semi-illiterate aged 15 and over
    2-9 City population of illiterate and semi-illiterate aged 15 and over
    2-10 Town population of illiterate and semi-illiterate aged 15 and over
    2-11 County population of illiterate and semi-illiterate aged 15 and over

    III. Employment
    3-1 Employment of all industries and their ratios by sex and by province
    3-2 Provincial employment of all occupations by sex and sex ratio of provincial employment of all occupations
    3-3 Employment of all industries by age, sex and educational level
    3-4 Employment of all occupations by age, sex and educational level
    3-5 Occupation distribution of employment of all industries
    3-6 Unemployment by sex and by region
    3-7 Unemployment by age, sex and educational level
    3-8 City unemployment by age, sex, and educational level
    3-9 Town unemployment by age, sex, and educational level
    3-10 County unemployment by age, sex, and educational level
    3-11 Employment by sex, industry, and weekly working hours
    3-12 Employment by sex, occupation, and weekly working hours
    3-13 Employment by sex and occupation with other income since April 1

    IV. Marriage, Family
    4-1 Population aged 15 and over by sex, marital status and by province
    4-2 Population by age, sex and age of first married
    4-3 Population by sex, educational level, and age first married
    4-4 Population by age, sex, educational level and marital status
    4-5 City population by age, sex, educational level and marital status
    4-6 Town population by age, sex, educational level and marital status
    4-7 County population by age, sex, educational level and marital status
    4-8 Population by sex, occupation, and marital status
    4-9 Households, population and sex ratio by province
    4-10 Size of family households by province
    4-11 Family households with person aged 60 and over by province

    V. Fertility
    5-1 Age-specific fertility rate of childbearing women by age of mother and birth order (1994.10.1-1995.9.30)
    5-2 City age-specific fertility rate of childbearing women by age of mother and birth order (1994.10.1-1995.9.30)
    5-3 Town age-specific fertility rate of childbearing women by age of mother and birth order (1994.10.1-1995.9.30)
    5-4 County age-specific fertility rate of childbearing women by age of mother and birth order (1994.10.1-1995.9.30)
    5-5 Number of women aged 15-64 by age, educational level and number of children ever born
    5-6 Number of women aged 15-64 by age, educational level and number of children currently alive
    5-7 Number of children ever born by women aged 15-64 by age first marriage
    5-8 Number of children currently alive by women aged 15-64 by age first marriage

    VI. Mortality
    6-1 Death by age and sex (1994.10.1-1995.9.30)
    6-2 Death by age and sex in cities (1994.10.1-1995.9.30)
    6-3 Death by age and sex in towns(1994.10.1-1995.9.30)
    6-4 Death by age and sex in counties(1994.10.1-1995.9.30)

    VII. Migration, Distribution
    7-1 Provincial population by residence status
    7-2 Provincial population by current residence, and permanent residence in 1990.10.1
    7-3 Population by current residence and place of household registration in other county, city and district
    7-4 Population by current residence and length of time moving in from other places
    7-5 Population by current residence and place of household registration in other county, city and district in 1990.10.1

    VIII. Residence
    8-1 Urban housing status by province
    8-2 Number of urban households by average floor space of building and by province
    8-3 Number of urban households by average rooms of household by province
    8-4 The housing facility status of urban households by province
    8-5 Housing status of urban households by year of construction and by province

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