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  • Historical China County Population Census Data with GIS Maps(1953-2000)
    Order ID:CDC-S-2005-129
    Publisher:All China Marketing Research Co. Ltd.
    Publication Date:2/1/2005 12:00:00 AM
    Format:GIS Shape Files on C
    Languages:English and Chinese
    Price:$3,800 (for academic users)
    Delivery:CDs by airmail
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  • Description:
    The CD product includes the population Census data at county level for 1953, 1964, 1982, 1990 and 2000, integrated with the county GIS maps in Shape file format. All variables are in both Chinese and English.
    Table of Contents:

    The List of Variables for the Historical Population Census Data (1953, 1964, 1982, 1990, 2000)

    The Explanation of Variables for 1953 Population Census Data (china53.shp)

    PROVGB 省国标码 Province GB Code
    CITYGB 地区(市)国标码 Prefecture City GB Code
    CNTYGB 县国标码 County GB Code
    CPROV 中文省名 Province name in Chinese
    EPROV 英文省名 Province name in English
    CCNTY 中文县名 County name in Chinese
    ECNTY 英文县名 County name in English
    A53001 户数 The number of domestic households (Unit: household)
    A53002 总人口 Total population (Unit: person)

    The Explanation of Variables for 1964 Population Census Data (china64.shp)

    PROVGB 省国标码 Province GB Code
    CITYGB 地区(市)国标码 Prefecture City GB Code
    CNTYGB 县国标码 County GB Code
    CPROV 中文省名 Province name in Chinese
    EPROV 英文省名 Province name in English
    CCNTY 中文县名 County name in Chinese
    ECNTY 英文县名 County name in English
    A64001 总户数 The number of domestic households (Unit: household)
    A64002 总人口 Total population (Unit: person)
    A64003 男总人口 Total male population (Unit: person)
    A64004 女总人口 Total female population (Unit: person)
    A64005 非农业人口 Total non-agriculture population (Unit: person)

    The Explanation of Variables for 1982 Population Census Data (china82.shp)

    PROVGB 省国标码 Province GB Code
    CITYGB 地区(市)国标码 Prefecture City GB Code
    CNTYGB 县国标码 County GB Code
    CPROV 中文省名 Province name in Chinese
    EPROV 英文省名 Province name in English
    CCNTY 中文县名 County name in Chinese
    ECNTY 英文县名 County name in English (1)
    CNTY2 英文县名2 County name in English (2)
    CLASS C-县;D-区;CITY-市;其它代表县级地区. "C" means county; "D" means city district; "City" means urban city;others are administrative division at the county level
    A82001 人口数(单位:人) Total population (Unit: person)
    A82002 人口密度(单位:人/平方公里) The population density (Unit: persons/sq. km)
    A82003 人口性别比(单位:男/女% ) Sex ratio (Unit: males per 100 females)
    A82004 人口年龄中位数(单位:岁) Median age of population (Unit: age)
    A82005 0-14岁人口占总人口百分比(单位:%) The percentage of total population aged 0-14 (Unit: %)
    A82006 65及65岁以上人口占总人口百分比(单位:%) The percentage of total population aged 65 and over (Unit: %)
    A82007 15-49岁育龄妇女占总人口百分比(单位:%) Percentage of women aged 15-49 to total population (Unit: %)
    A82008 1981年人口出生率(单位:? Birth rate, 1981 (Unit: ?
    A82009 1981年人口死亡率(单位:? Death rate, 1981 (Unit: ?
    A82010 1981年婴儿死亡率(单位:? Infant mortality rate ,1981 (Unit: ?
    A82011 每万人拥有大学生人数(单位:人) Number of college students per 10,000 persons (Unit: person)
    A82012 每万人拥有初中文化程度人数(单位:人) Number of people with junior/middle school education per 10,000 persons (Unit: person)
    A82013 文盲. 半文盲占12及12岁以上人口比重(单位:%) Percentage of illiterate/semi-literate of population aged 12 and above (Unit: 0.1%)
    A82014 农林牧渔业人口占在业人口百分比(单位:%) The percentage of population in farming, forestry, animal husbandry, and fishery to total employed population. (Unit: %)
    A82015 工业人口占在业人口百分比(单位:%) The percentage of industrial population to total employed population. (Unit: %)
    A82016 在业人口占总人口百分比(单位:%) The percentage of employed population to total population. (Unit: %)
    A82017 人均工农业总产值 Gross average industrial and agricultural output per capita

    The Explanation of Variables for 1990 Population Census Data (china90a.shp and china90b.shp)

    PROVGB 省国标码 Province GB Code
    CITYGB 地区(市)国标码 Prefecture City GB Code
    CNTYGB 县国标码 County GB Code
    CPROV 中文省名 Province name in Chinese
    EPROV 英文省名 Province name in English
    CCNTY 中文县名 County name in Chinese
    ECNTY 英文县名 County name in English
    各市、县人口数 The population and households
    A90001 家庭户数(单位:户) The number of households (Unit: household)
    A90002 总人口数(单位:人) Total population (Unit: person)
    A90003 男人口数(单位:人) Total male population (Unit: person)
    A90004 女人口数(单位:人) Total female population (Unit: person)
    A90005 家庭户人数(单位:人) Total population of households (Unit: person)
    A90006 农业户口人数(单位:人) Total agriculture population (Unit: person)
    市、镇、乡分性别的人口数(第一口径) The population by sex and urban city, town and county (the first measurement)
    A90007 市男性人口数(单位:人) Total male population of urban city (the first measurement) (Unit: person)
    A90008 市女性人口数(单位:人) Total female population of urban city (the first measurement) (Unit: person)
    A90009 镇男性人口数(单位:人) Total male population of all towns (the first measurement) (Unit: person)
    A90010 镇女性人口数(单位:人) Total female population of all towns (the first measurement) (Unit: person)
    A90011 乡男性人口数(单位:人) Total male population of all townships (the first measurement) (Unit: person)
    A90012 乡女性人口数(单位:人) Total female population of all townships (the first measurement) (Unit: person)
    市、镇、乡分性别的人口数(第二口径) The population by sex and city, town and county (the second measurement)
    A90013 市男性人口数(单位:人) Total male population of urban city (the second measurement) (Unit: person) second statement
    A90014 市女性人口数(单位:人) Total female population of urban city (the second measurement) (Unit: person) second statement
    A90015 镇男性人口数(单位:人) Total male population of all street committees/Juweihui) (the second measurement) (Unit: person) second statement
    A90016 镇女性人口数(单位:人) Total female population of all street committees/Juweihui (the second measurement) (Unit: person) second statement
    A90017 乡男性人口数(单位:人) Total male population of all village committees/Xiangweihui (the second measurement) (Unit: person) second statement
    A90018 乡女性人口数(单位:人) Total female population of all village committees/Xiangweihui (the second measurement) (Unit: person) second statement
    各市、县分年龄组和性别的人口数 The population by sex and age groups
    A90019 男性0 至4 岁人口数(单位:人) The male population aged 0-4 (Unit: person)
    A90020 女性0 至4 岁人口数(单位:人) The female population aged 0-4 (Unit: person)
    A90021 男性5 至9 岁人口数(单位:人) The male population aged 5-9 (Unit: person)
    A90022 女性5 至9 岁人口数(单位:人) The female population aged 5-9 (Unit: person)
    A90023 男性10至14岁人口数(单位:人) The male population aged 10-14 (Unit: person)
    A90024 女性10至14岁人口数(单位:人) The female population aged 10-14 (Unit: person)
    A90025 男性15至19岁人口数(单位:人) The male population aged 15-19 (Unit: person)
    A90026 女性15至19岁人口数(单位:人) The female population aged 15-19 (Unit: person)
    A90027 男性20至24岁人口数(单位:人) The male population aged 20-24 (Unit: person)
    A90028 女性20至24岁人口数(单位:人) The female population aged 20-24 (Unit: person)
    A90029 男性25至29岁人口数(单位:人) The male population aged 25-29 (Unit: person)
    A90030 女性25至29岁人口数(单位:人) The female population aged 25-29 (Unit: person)
    A90031 男性30至34岁人口数(单位:人) The male population aged 30-34 (Unit: person)
    A90032 女性30至34岁人口数(单位:人) The female population aged 30-34 (Unit: person)
    A90033 男性35至39岁人口数(单位:人) The male population aged 35-39 (Unit: person)
    A90034 女性35至39岁人口数(单位:人) The female population aged 35-39 (Unit: person)
    A90035 男性40至44岁人口数(单位:人) The male population aged 40-44 (Unit: person)
    A90036 女性40至44岁人口数(单位:人) The female population aged 40-44 (Unit: person)
    A90037 男性45至49岁人口数(单位:人) The male population aged 45-49 (Unit: person)
    A90038 女性45至49岁人口数(单位:人) The female population aged 45-49 (Unit: person)
    A90039 男性50至54岁人口数(单位:人) The male population aged 50-54 (Unit: person)
    A90040 女性50至54岁人口数(单位:人) The female population aged 50-54 (Unit: person)
    A90041 男性55至59岁人口数(单位:人) The male population aged 55-59 (Unit: person)
    A90042 女性55至59岁人口数(单位:人) The female population aged 55-59 (Unit: person)
    A90043 男性60至64岁人口数(单位:人) The male population aged 60-64 (Unit: person)
    A90044 女性60至64岁人口数(单位:人) The female population aged 60-64 (Unit: person)
    A90045 男性65至69岁人口数(单位:人) The male population aged 65-69 (Unit: person)
    A90046 女性65至69岁人口数(单位:人) The female population aged 65-69 (Unit: person)
    A90047 男性70至74岁人口数(单位:人) The male population aged 70-74 (Unit: person)
    A90048 女性70至74岁人口数(单位:人) The female population aged 70-74 (Unit: person)
    A90049 男性75至79岁人口数(单位:人) The male population aged 75-79 (Unit: person)
    A90050 女性75至79岁人口数(单位:人) The female population aged 75-79 (Unit: person)
    A90051 男性80至84岁人口数(单位:人) The male population aged 80-84 (Unit: person)
    A90052 女性80至84岁人口数(单位:人) The female population aged 80-84 (Unit: person)
    A90053 男性85至89岁人口数(单位:人) The male population aged 85-89 (Unit: person)
    A90054 女性85至89岁人口数(单位:人) The female population aged 85-89 (Unit: person)
    A90055 男性90至94岁人口数(单位:人) The male population aged 90-94 (Unit: person)
    A90056 女性90至94岁人口数(单位:人) The female population aged 90-94 (Unit: person)
    A90057 男性95至99岁人口数(单位:人) The male population aged 95-99 (Unit: person)
    A90058 女性95至99岁人口数(单位:人) The female population aged 95-99 (Unit: person)
    A90059 男性100岁以上人口数(单位:人) The male population aged over 100 (Unit: person)
    A90060 女性100岁以上人口数(单位:人) The female population aged above 100 (Unit: person)
    各市、县六岁以上分性别和文化程度的人口数 The population aged 6 and above by sex and education
    A90061 男性6 岁及6 岁以上人口数(单位:人) The male population aged 6 and above (Unit: person)
    A90062 女性6 岁及6 岁以上人口数(单位:人) The female population aged 6 and above (Unit: person)
    A90063 大学本科男性人口数(单位:人) The male population with college degree (Unit: person)
    A90064 大学本科女性人口数(单位:人) The female population with college degree (Unit: person)
    A90065 大学专科男性人口数(单位:人) The male population with junior college degree (Unit: person)
    A90066 大学专科女性人口数(单位:人) The female population with junior college degree (Unit: person)
    A90067 中专男性人口数(单位:人) The male population with specialized secondary school education (Unit: person)
    A90068 中专女性人口数(单位:人) The female population with specialized secondary school education (Unit: person)
    A90069 高中男性人口数(单位:人) The male population with high school education (Unit: person)
    A90070 高中女性人口数(单位:人) The female population with high school education (Unit: person)
    A90071 初中男性人口数(单位:人) The male population with middle school education (Unit: person)
    A90072 初中女性人口数(单位:人) The female population with middle school education (Unit: person)
    A90073 小学男性人口数(单位:人) The male population with primary school education (Unit: person)
    A90074 小学女性人口数(单位:人) The female population with primary school education (Unit: person)
    A90075 不识字或识字很少男性人口数(单位:人) The male population of illiterate (Unit: person)
    A90076 不识字或识字很少女性人口数(单位:人) The female population of illiterate (Unit: person)
    各市、县15岁以上分性别的文盲、半文盲人口数 The illiterate or semi-literate population aged 15 and above
    A90077 男性15岁及15岁以上人口数(单位:人) The male population aged 15 and above (Unit: person)
    A90078 女性15岁及15岁以上人口数(单位:人) The female population aged 15 and above (Unit: person)
    A90079 男性文盲半文盲人口数(单位:人) The illiterate or semi-literate men aged 15 and above (Unit: person)
    A90080 女性文盲半文盲人口数(单位:人) The illiterate or semi-literate women aged 15 and above (Unit: person)
    各市、县职业大类人口数 The employment by profession of seven categories
    A90081 在业人口数(单位:人) Total employment (Unit: person)
    A90082 各类专业技术人员数(单位:人) Professional/Technical personnel (Unit: person)
    A90083 机关党企事业单位负责人数(单位:人) Administrators for government agencies, political parties, social organizations and enterprises (Unit: person)
    A90084 办事人员有关人员数(单位:人) Staffs in offices (Unit: person)
    A90085 商业工作人员数(单位:人) Staffs in commerce (Unit: person)
    A90086 服务性工作人员数(单位:人) Public service workers (Unit: person)
    A90087 农林牧渔劳动者人数(单位:人) Workers in farming, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery (Unit: person)
    A90088 生产运输工人有关人员数(单位:人) Workers in production and transportation (Unit: person)
    A90089 其他劳动者人数(单位:人) Other workers not categorized (Unit: person)
    各市、县分性别的不在业人口数 The population not in employment by sex
    A90090 在校学生男性人口数(单位:人) Boys in schools (Unit: person)
    A90091 在校学生女性人口数(单位:人) Girls in schools (Unit: person)
    A90092 料理家务男性人口数(单位:人) Male population stayed at home for housework (Unit: person)
    A90093 料理家务女性人口数(单位:人) Female population stayed at home for housework (Unit: person)
    A90094 待升学男性人口数(单位:人) Male population waiting for admission by schools (Unit: person)
    A90095 待升学女性人口数(单位:人) Male population waiting for admission by schools (Unit: person)
    A90096 市镇待业男性人口数(单位:人) Unemployed men looking for jobs (Unit: person)
    A90097 市镇待业女性人口数(单位:人) Unemployed women looking for jobs (Unit: person)
    A90098 离退休退职男性人口数(单位:人) Male population retired (Unit: person)
    A90099 离退休退职女性人口数(单位:人) Female population retired (Unit: person)
    A90100 丧失劳动能力男性人口数((单位:人) Disabled men (Unit: person)
    A90101 丧失劳动能力女性人口数(单位:人) Disabled women (Unit: person)
    A90102 其他男性人口数(单位:人) Other male population (Unit: person)
    A90103 其他女性人口数(单位:人) Other female population (Unit: person)
    各市、县分性别的婚姻状况 The marriage status by sex
    A90104 未婚男性人口数(单位:人) Unmarried men (Unit: person)
    A90105 未婚女性人口数(单位:人) Unmarried women (Unit: person)
    A90106 有配偶男性人口数(单位:人) Married men (Unit: person)
    A90107 有配偶女性人口数(单位:人) Married women (Unit: person)
    A90108 丧偶男性人口数(单位:人) Widowed men (Unit: person)
    A90109 丧偶女性人口数(单位:人) Widowed women (Unit: person)
    A90110 离婚男性人口数(单位:人) Divorced men (Unit: person)
    A90111 离婚女性人口数(单位:人) Divorced women (Unit: person)
    1989.1.1--1990.6.30分性别的出生人口数 The children born between 1989.1.1-1990.6.30
    A90112 男89年上半年出生人数(单位:人) Boys born during the first half of 1989 (Unit: person)
    A90113 女89年上半年出生人数(单位:人) Girls born during the first half of 1989 (Unit: person)
    A90114 男89年下半年出生人数(单位:人) Boys born during the second half of 1989 (Unit: person)
    A90115 女89年下半年出生人数(单位:人) Girls born during the second half of 1989 (Unit: person)
    A90116 男90年上半年出生人数(单位:人) Boys born during the first half of 1990 (Unit: person)
    A90117 女90年上半年出生人数(单位:人) Girls born during the first half of 1990 (Unit: person)
    各市、县15-64岁妇女人均活产孩数 The female population aged 15-64 and their born alive children
    A90118 女15至64岁人数(单位:人) Women aged 15-64 (Unit: person)
    A90119 15-64岁妇女平均活产孩数(单位:人) The average number of children born alive of each woman aged 15-64 (Unit: person)
    A90120 15-64岁妇女人均活产孩数(单位:人) The average number of surviving children of each woman aged 15-64 (Unit: person)
    各市、县1989.1.1--1990.6.30死亡人口数 The population died between 1989.1.1-1990.6.30 by cities and counties
    A90121 男89年上半年死亡人数(单位:人) The male population died during the first half of 1989 (Unit: person)
    A90122 女89年上半年死亡人数(单位:人) The female population died during the first half of 1989 (Unit: person)
    A90123 男89年下半年死亡人数(单位:人) The male population died during the second half of 1989 (Unit: person)
    A90124 女89年下半年死亡人数(单位:人) The female population died during the second half of 1989 (Unit: person)
    A90125 男90年上半年死亡人数(单位:人) The male population died during the first half of 1990 (Unit: person)
    A90126 女90年上半年死亡人数(单位:人) The female population died during the first half of 1990 (Unit: person)
    各市、县迁移人口数 The immigration by cities and counties
    A90127 本省街道迁入人数(单位:人) The immigration from the jie dao of other cities or counties of same province (Unit: person)
    A90128 本省镇迁入人数(单位:人) The immigration from the towns of other cities or counties of same province (Unit: person)
    A90129 本省乡迁入人数(单位:人) The immigration from the townships of other cities or counties of same province (Unit: person)
    A90130 外省街道迁入人数(单位:人) The immigration from the jie dao of other provinces (Unit: person)
    A90131 外省镇迁入人数(单位:人) The immigration from the towns of other provinces (Unit: person)
    A90132 外省乡迁入人数(单位:人) The immigration from the townships of other provinces (Unit: person)
    按居委会、村委会分的人口数 The population by street committees and village committees
    A90133 县居委会人数(单位:人) The population by street committee in counties (Unit: person)
    A90134 县村委会人数(单位:人) The population by village committee in counties (Unit: person)
    A90135 其他(单位:人) Other population in towns not counted by street committee or village committee (Unit: person)
    各市、县按75个行业大类的人口数 The employment by 75 industries
    A90136 农业人口数(单位:人) The employment in farming (Unit: person)
    A90137 林业人口数(单位:人) The employment in forestry (Unit: person)
    A90138 畜牧业人口数(单位:人) The employment in animal husbandry (Unit: person)
    A90139 渔业人口数(单位:人) The employment in fishery (Unit: person)
    A90140 水利业人口数(单位:人) The employment in the water conservancy industry (Unit: person)
    A90141 农林牧渔水利服务业人口数(单位:人) The employment in the service sector for farming, forestry, animal husbandry, fishery and water conservancy (Unit: person)
    A90142 煤炭采选业人口数(单位:人) The employment in coal mining and dressing (Unit: person)
    A90143 石油和天然气开采业人口数(单位:人) The employment in petroleum and natural gas extraction (Unit: person)
    A90144 黑色金属矿采选业人口数(单位:人) The employment in ferrous ore mining and dressing (Unit: person)
    A90145 有色金属矿采选业人口数(单位:人) The employment in non-ferrous ore mining and dressing (Unit: person)
    A90146 建材其他非金属矿采选业人口数(单位:人) The employment in building materials and other non-metallic ore mining and dressing (Unit: person)
    A90147 采盐业人口数(单位:人) The employment in salt mining (Unit: person)
    A90148 其他矿采选业人口数(单位:人) The employment in other ore mining and dressing (Unit: person)
    A90149 木材竹材采运业人口数(单位:人) The employment in timber and bamboo logging and transportation (Unit: person)
    A90150 自来水生产和供应业人口数(单位:人) The employment in production and supply of tap water (Unit: person)
    A90151 食品制造业人口数(单位:人) The employment in food manufacturing (Unit: person)
    A90152 饮料制造业人口数(单位:人) The employment in beverage manufacturing (Unit: person)
    A90153 烟草加工业人口数(单位:人) The employment in tobacco processing (Unit: person)
    A90154 饲料工业人口数(单位:人) The employment in fodder (Unit: person)
    A90155 纺织业人口数(单位:人) The employment in textile (Unit: person)
    A90156 缝纫业人口数(单位:人) The employment in sewing (Unit: person)
    A90157 皮革皮毛及其制品业人口数(单位:人) The employment in leather, fur and its products manufacturing (Unit: person)
    A90158 木材加工及竹藤棕草制品业人口数(单位:人) The employment in timber processing and bamboo, cane, coir and grass products manufacturing (Unit: person)
    A90159 家具制造业人口数(单位:人) The employment in furniture manufacturing (Unit: person)
    A90160 造纸及纸制品业人口数(单位:人) The employment in paper-making, paper products manufacturing (Unit: person)
    A90161 印刷业人口数(单位:人) The employment in printing (Unit: person)
    A90162 文体用品制造业人口数(单位:人) The employment in cultural goods and sporting goods manufacturing (Unit: person)
    A90163 工艺美术品制造业人口数(单位:人) The employment in art and craft goods manufacturing (Unit: person)
    A90164 电力蒸汽热水生产供应业人口数(单位:人) The employment in the production and supply of electric power, vapor and hot water (Unit: person)
    A90165 石油加工业人口数(单位:人) The employment in the petroleum refining industry (Unit: person)
    A90166 炼焦煤气及煤制品业人口数(单位:人) The employment in coking coal, coal gas and coal products manufacturing (Unit: person)
    A90167 化学工业人口数(单位:人) The employment in chemistry (Unit: person)
    A90168 医药工业人口数(单位:人) The employment in pharmaceutical manufacturing (Unit: person)
    A90169 化学纤维工业人口数(单位:人) The employment in chemical fiber (Unit: person)
    A90170 橡胶制品业人口数(单位:人) The employment in rubber products manufacturing (Unit: person)
    A90171 塑料制品业人口数(单位:人) The employment in plastic products manufacturing (Unit: person)
    A90172 建材其他非金属矿物制品业人口数(单位:人) The employment in building materials and other non-metallic ore products manufacturing (Unit: person)
    A90173 黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业人口数(单位:人) The employment in the industry of ferrous metal melting and rolling (Unit: person)
    A90174 有色金属冶炼及压延加工业人口数(单位:人) The employment in non-ferrous metal melting and rolling (Unit: person)
    A90175 金属制品业人口数(单位:人) The employment in metalwork manufacturing (Unit: person)
    A90176 机械工业人口数(单位:人) The employment in machinery (Unit: person)
    A90177 交通运输设备制造业人口数(单位:人) The employment in traffic and transportation equipment manufacturing (Unit: person)
    A90178 电气机械及器材制造业人口数(单位:人) The employment in electric equipment manufacturing (Unit: person)
    A90179 电子及通信设备制造业人口数(单位:人) The employment in electronic and telecommunication equipment manufacturing (Unit: person)
    A90180 仪器仪表其他计量器具制造业人数(单位:人) The employment in measuring instruments, meters and other measuring products manufacturing (Unit: person)
    A90181 其他工业人口数(单位:人) The employment in other manufacturing industries (Unit: person)
    A90182 地质普查和勘探业人口数(单位:人) The employment in geological prospecting and exploration (Unit: person)
    A90183 土木工程建筑业人口数(单位:人) The employment in civil engineering construction (Unit: person)
    A90184 线路管道和设备安装业人口数(单位:人) The employment in installation of lines, pipelines and equipment (Unit: person)
    A90185 勘察设计业人口数(单位:人) The employment in exploring and surveying design (Unit: person)
    A90186 交通运输业人口数(单位:人) The employment in transportation (Unit: person)
    A90187 邮电通讯业人口数(单位:人) The employment in post and telecommunication (Unit: person)
    A90188 商业人口数(单位:人) The employment in commerce (Unit: person)
    A90189 公共饮食业人口数(单位:人) The employment in catering trade (Unit: person)
    A90190 物资供销业人口数(单位:人) The employment in the supply and marketing of commodities (Unit: person)
    A90191 仓储业人口数(单位:人) The employment in the storage of commodities (Unit: person)
    A90192 房地产管理业人口数(单位:人) The employment in real estate management (Unit: person)
    A90193 公用事业人口数(单位:人) The employment in public facilities (Unit: person)
    A90194 居民服务业人口数(单位:人) The employment in residential service (Unit: person)
    A90195 咨询服务业人口数(单位:人) The employment in consulting service (Unit: person)
    A90196 卫生事业人口数(单位:人) The employment in public health service (Unit: person)
    A90197 体育事业人口数(单位:人) The employment in sports (Unit: person)
    A90198 社会福利事业人口数(单位:人) The employment in social welfare service (Unit: person)
    A90199 教育事业人口数(单位:人) The employment in education (Unit: person)
    A90200 文化艺术事业人口数(单位:人) The employment in culture and art sector (Unit: person)
    A90201 广播电视事业人口数(单位:人) The employment in broadcast and television sector (Unit: person)
    A90202 科研事业人口数(单位:人) The employment in research agencies and institutions (Unit: person)
    A90203 综合技术服务事业人口数(单位:人) The employment in comprehensive technical service (Unit: person)
    A90204 金融业人口数(单位:人) The employment in financial service (Unit: person)
    A90205 保险业人口数(单位:人) The employment in insurance service (Unit: person)
    A90206 国家机关人口数(单位:人) The employment in government agencies (Unit: person)
    A90207 政党机关人口数(单位:人) The employment in political party committees (Unit: person)
    A90208 社会团体人口数(单位:人) The employment in social organizations (Unit: person)
    A90209 企业管理机关人口数(单位:人) The employment in enterprise management (Unit: person)
    A90210 其他人口数(单位:人) The employment in other industries not categorized (Unit: person)
    各市、县12种职业人口数 The employment by profession
    A90211 科研人员数(单位:人) The personnel of scientific research (Unit: person)
    A90212 工程农林技术人员数(单位:人) The technical personnel of engineering and agriculture (Unit: person)
    A90213 飞机船舶技术人员数(单位:人) The personnel of aircraft and shipping technology (Unit: person)
    A90214 卫生技术人员数(单位:人) The personnel of medical and health care (Unit: person)
    A90215 经济业务人员数(单位:人) The personnel of business marketing (Unit: person)
    A90216 法律工作人员数(单位:人) The personnel of legal affair (Unit: person)
    A90217 教学人员数(单位:人) The teachers (Unit: person)
    A90218 文艺体育工作人员数(单位:人) The professionals of arts and sports (Unit: person)
    A90219 文化工作人员数(单位:人) The professionals for culture service (Unit: person)
    A90220 宗教职业人员数(单位:人) The professionals for religious service (Unit: person)
    A90221 邮电工作人员数(单位:人) The workers in post and telecommunication (Unit: person)
    A90222 建筑工人人员数(单位:人) The worker in construction (Unit: person)
    各市、县家庭户类别 Household types by city and county
    A90223 单身户数(单位:户) The number of single-person households by city and county (Unit: person)
    A90224 一对夫妇户数(单位:户) The number of single-couple households by city and county (Unit: person)
    A90225 二代户数(单位:户) The number of 2 generation households by city and county (Unit: person)
    A90226 三代户数(单位:户) The number of 3 generation households by city and county (Unit: person)
    各市、县有少儿的家庭户 Number of households with children by city and county
    A90227 有0_6岁户数(单位:户) The number of domestic households with children aged 0-6 by city and county (Unit: househeld)
    A90228 有7_14岁户数(单位:户) The number of domestic households with children aged 7-14 by city and county (Unit: househeld)
    各市、县有老人的家庭户 The Number of households with elder people in cities and counties
    A90229 有60岁上户数(单位:户) The number of domestic households with persons aged 60 and above by city and county (Unit: househeld)
    A90330 有65岁上户数(单位:户) The number of domestic households with persons aged 65 and above by city and county (Unit: househeld)
    A90000 各市、县人口数 The population and households
    A90001 家庭户数(单位:户) The number of households (Unit: household)
    A90002 总人口数(单位:人) Total population (Unit: person)
    A90003 男人口数(单位:人) Total male population (Unit: person)
    A90004 女人口数(单位:人) Total female population (Unit: person)
    各市、县各民族人口数 The Number of People of each ethnic group in Cities and Counties
    A90331 总人口数(单位:人) Total number of population (Unit: person)
    A90332 蒙古族(单位:人) Mongol (Unit: person)
    A90333 回族(单位:人) Hui (Unit: person)
    A90334 藏族(单位:人) Tibetan (Unit: person)
    A90335 维吾尔族(单位:人) Weiwuer (Unit: person)
    A90336 苗族(单位:人) Miao (Unit: person)
    A90337 彝族(单位:人) Yi (Unit: person)
    A90338 壮族(单位:人) Zhuang (Unit: person)
    A90339 布依族(单位:人) Buyi (Unit: person)
    A90340 朝鲜族(单位:人) Korean (Unit: person)
    A90341 满族(单位:人) Man (Unit: person)
    A90342 侗族(单位:人) Dong (Unit: person)
    A90343 瑶族(单位:人) Yao (Unit: person)
    A90344 白族(单位:人) Bai (Unit: person)
    A90345 土家族(单位:人) Tujia (Unit: person)
    A90346 哈尼族(单位:人) Hani (Unit: person)
    A90347 哈萨克族(单位:人) Hasake (Unit: person)
    A90348 傣族(单位:人) Dai (Unit: person)
    A90349 黎族(单位:人) Li (Unit: person)
    A90350 傈僳族(单位:人) Lisu (Unit: person)
    A90351 佤族(单位:人) Wa (Unit: person)
    A90352 畲族(单位:人) She (Unit: person)
    A90353 高山族(单位:人) Gaoshan (Unit: person)
    A90354 拉祜族(单位:人) Lahu (Unit: person)
    A90355 水族(单位:人) Shui (Unit: person)
    A90356 东乡族(单位:人) Dongxiang (Unit: person)
    A90357 纳西族(单位:人) Naxi (Unit: person)
    A90358 景颇族(单位:人) Jingpe (Unit: person)
    A90359 柯尔克孜族(单位:人) Keerkezi (Unit: person)
    A90360 土族(单位:人) Tu (Unit: person)
    A90361 达斡尔族(单位:人) Dawoer (Unit: person)
    A90362 仫佬族(单位:人) Mulao (Unit: person)
    A90363 羌族(单位:人) Qiang (Unit: person)
    A90364 布朗族(单位:人) Bulang (Unit: person)
    A90365 撒拉族(单位:人) Sala (Unit: person)
    A90366 毛南族(单位:人) Maonan (Unit: person)
    A90367 仡佬族(单位:人) Gelao (Unit: person)
    A90368 锡伯族(单位:人) Xibe (Unit: person)
    A90369 阿昌族(单位:人) Achang (Unit: person)
    A90370 普米族(单位:人) Pumi (Unit: person)
    A90371 塔吉克族(单位:人) Tajike (Unit: person)
    A90372 怒族(单位:人) Nu (Unit: person)
    A90373 乌孜别克族(单位:人) Wuzibieke (Unit: person)
    A90374 俄罗斯族(单位:人) Eluosi (Unit: person)
    A90375 鄂温克族(单位:人) Ewenke (Unit: person)
    A90376 德昂族(单位:人) Benglong (Unit: person)
    A90377 保安族(单位:人) Baoan (Unit: person)
    A90378 裕固族(单位:人) Yugu (Unit: person)
    A90379 京族(单位:人) Jing (Unit: person)
    A90380 塔塔尔族(单位:人) Tataer (Unit: person)
    A90381 独龙族(单位:人) Dulong (Unit: person)
    A90382 鄂伦春族(单位:人) Elunchun (Unit: person)
    A90383 赫哲族(单位:人) Hezhe (Unit: person)
    A90384 门巴族(单位:人) Menba (Unit: person)
    A90385 珞巴族(单位:人) Luoba (Unit: person)
    A90386 基诺族(单位:人) Jinuo (Unit: person)
    A90387 其他未识别的民族(单位:人) Others (Unit: person)
    A90388 外国人加入中国籍(入籍)(单位:人) Nationalized foreigners in China (Unit: person)

    The Explanation of Variables for 2000 Population Census Data (china00.shp)

    PROVGB 省国标码 Province GB Code
    CNTYGB 县国标码 County GB Code
    CPROV 中文省名 Province name in Chinese
    EPROV 英文省名 Province name in English
    CCNTY 中文县名 County name in Chinese
    ECNTY 英文县名 County name in English
    CLASSEN 县,市别 Class
    A2000001 总人口(人) Total Population
    A2000002 总男人口(人) Total population-male
    A2000003 总女人口(人) Total population-female
    A2000004 总人口性别比(%) The ratio of male to female
    A2000005 户籍人口(人) Total population in local households registration
    A2000006 少数民族人口比重(%) The percentage of minority population
    A2000007 少数民族人口 Total minority population
    A2000008 非农业户口人口比重(%) The percentage of non-agriculture population
    A2000009 非农业户口人口 Total non-agriculture population
    A2000010 城镇人口(人) Urban population
    A2000011 乡村人口(人) Rural population
    A2000012 家庭户数(户) Total Family Households
    A2000013 家庭户人口数(人) Total Family Households Population
    A2000014 家庭户规模(人/户) Average persons per family households
    A2000015 一人户(户) Total Family Households with one person
    A2000016 一代户(户) Total Family Households of one generation
    A2000017 二代户(户) Total Family Households of two generation
    A2000018 三代户(户) Total Family Households of three generation
    A2000019 四代以上户(户) Total Family Households of four and above generation
    A2000020 0岁男性人口(人) Total population under one year old - male
    A2000021 0岁女性人口(人) Total population under one year old - female
    A2000022 1-4岁男性人口(人) Total population 1-4 years old - male
    A2000023 1-4岁女性人口(人) Total population 1-4 years old - female
    A2000024 5-9岁男性人口(人) Total population 5-9 years old - male
    A2000025 5-9岁女性人口(人) Total population 5-9 years old - female
    A2000026 10-14岁男性人口(人) Total population 10-14 years old - male
    A2000027 10-14岁女性人口(人) Total population 10-14 years old - female
    A2000028 15-19岁男性人口(人) Total population 15-19 years old - male
    A2000029 15-19岁女性人口(人) Total population 15-19 years old - female
    A2000030 20-24岁男性人口(人) Total population 20-24 years old - male
    A2000031 20-24岁女性人口(人) Total population 20-24 years old - female
    A2000032 25-29岁男性人口(人) Total population 25-29 years old - male
    A2000033 25-29岁女性人口(人) Total population 25-29 years old - female
    A2000034 30-34岁男性人口(人) Total population 30-34 years old - male
    A2000035 30-34岁女性人口(人) Total population 30-34 years old - female
    A2000036 35-39岁男性人口(人) Total population 35-39 years old - male
    A2000037 35-39岁女性人口(人) Total population 35-39 years old - female
    A2000038 40-44岁男性人口(人) Total population 40-44 years old - male
    A2000039 40-44岁女性人口(人) Total population 40-44 years old - female
    A2000040 45-49岁男性人口(人) Total population 45-49 years old - male
    A2000041 45-49岁女性人口(人) Total population 45-49 years old - female
    A2000042 50-54岁男性人口(人) Total population 50-54 years old - male
    A2000043 50-54岁女性人口(人) Total population 50-54 years old - female
    A2000044 55-59岁男性人口(人) Total population 55-59 years old - male
    A2000045 55-59岁女性人口(人) Total population 55-59 years old - female
    A2000046 60-64岁男性人口(人) Total population 60-64 years old - male
    A2000047 60-64岁女性人口(人) Total population 60-64 years old - female
    A2000048 65-69岁男性人口(人) Total population 65-69 years old - male
    A2000049 65-69岁女性人口(人) Total population 65-69 years old - female
    A2000050 70-74岁男性人口(人) Total population 70-74 years old - male
    A2000051 70-74岁女性人口(人) Total population 70-74 years old - female
    A2000052 75-79岁男性人口(人) Total population 75-79 years old - male
    A2000053 75-79岁女性人口(人) Total population 75-79 years old - female
    A2000054 80-84岁男性人口(人) Total population 80-84 years old - male
    A2000055 80-84岁女性人口(人) Total population 80-84 years old - female
    A2000056 85岁及以上男性人口(人) Total population 85 and over - male
    A2000057 85岁及以上女性人口(人) Total population 85 and over - female
    A2000058 0-14岁人口占总人口比重(%) The percentage of population 1-14 years old (%)
    A2000059 15-64岁人口占总人口比重(%) The percentage of population 15-64 years old (%)
    A2000060 65岁及以上人口占总人口比重(%) The percentage of population 65 and over (%)
    A2000061 15-49岁育龄妇女人口占总人口比重(%) The percentage of women 15-49 years old (%)
    A2000062 合计有65岁及以上老年人口的户数(户) Total family households with persons of 65 years old and over
    A2000063 有65岁及以上老年人口的户数(户), 有一个老人 Total family households with one person of 65 years old and over
    A2000064 有65岁及以上老年人口的户数(户), 有二个老人 Total family households with two persons of 65 years old and over
    A2000065 有65岁及以上老年人口的户数(户), 有二个以上老人 Total family households with three persons of 65 years old and over
    A2000066 出生率(%) Birth rate (?
    A2000067 死亡率(%) Death rate (?
    A2000068 自然增长率(%) Natural growth rate (?
    A2000069 总和生育率(长表数据) Total fertility rate (? from 9.5% sample data of Long Table
    A2000070 来自本县(市)/本市市区的迁入人口(人) Moving-in population within the same county/city
    A2000071 来自本省其他县(市)、市区的迁入人口(人) Moving-in population from other counties/cities of the same province
    A2000072 来自外省的迁入人口(人) Moving-in population from other provinces
    A2000073 6岁及以上各种受教育程度人口(人), 未上过学, 男 Total population 6+ with no school - male
    A2000074 6岁及以上各种受教育程度人口(人), 未上过学, 女 Total population 6+ with no school - female
    A2000075 6岁及以上各种受教育程度人口(人), 扫盲班, 男 Total population 6+ with literacy class - male
    A2000076 6岁及以上各种受教育程度人口(人), 扫盲班, 女 Total population 6+ with Literacy class - female
    A2000077 6岁及以上各种受教育程度人口(人), 小学, 男 Total population 6+ with elementary school - male
    A2000078 6岁及以上各种受教育程度人口(人), 小学, 女 Total population 6+ with elementary school - female
    A2000079 6岁及以上各种受教育程度人口(人), 初中, 男 Total population 6+ with middle school - male
    A2000080 6岁及以上各种受教育程度人口(人), 初中, 女 Total population 6+ with middle school - female
    A2000081 6岁及以上各种受教育程度人口(人), 高中, 男 Total population 6+ with high school - male
    A2000082 6岁及以上各种受教育程度人口(人), 高中, 女 Total population 6+ with high school - female
    A2000083 6岁及以上各种受教育程度人口(人), 中专, 男 Total population 6+ with specialized secondary school - male
    A2000084 6岁及以上各种受教育程度人口(人), 中专, 女 Total population 6+ with specialized secondary school - female
    A2000085 6岁及以上各种受教育程度人口(人), 大学专科, 男 Total population 6+ with associate degree - male
    A2000086 6岁及以上各种受教育程度人口(人), 大学专科, 女 Total population 6+ with associate degree - female
    A2000087 6岁及以上各种受教育程度人口(人), 大学本科, 男 Total population 6+ with college degree - male
    A2000088 6岁及以上各种受教育程度人口(人), 大学本科, 女 Total population 6+ with college degree - female
    A2000089 6岁及以上各种受教育程度人口(人), 研究生, 男 Total population 6+ with graduate degree - male
    A2000090 6岁及以上各种受教育程度人口(人), 研究生, 女 Total population 6+ with graduate degree - female
    A2000091 平均受教育年限(年) Average years at schools
    A2000092 男性平均受教育年限(年) Average years at schools - male
    A2000093 女性平均受教育年限(年) Average years at schools - female
    A2000094 15岁及以上文盲人口(人) Illiterate population for age 15 and over
    A2000095 15岁及以上男性文盲人口(人) Illiterate population for age 15 and over - male
    A2000096 15岁及以上女性文盲人口(人) Illiterate population for age 15 and over - female
    A2000097 15岁及以上文盲人口比率(%) The percentage of Illiterate population for age 15 and over (%)
    A2000098 15岁及以上男性文盲人口比率(%) The percentage of Illiterate population for age 15 and over - male (%)
    A2000099 15岁及以上女性文盲人口比率(%) The percentage of Illiterate population for age 15 and over - female (%)
    A2000100 家庭户(户) Total family households
    A2000101 平均每户住房间数(间/户) Average rooms per household (rooms/household)
    A2000102 人均住房建筑面积(平方米/人) Average floor space of building (sq meters/person)
    A2000103 汉族(单位:人) Total Population of Han People
    A2000104 蒙古族(单位:人) Total Population of Mongolian People
    A2000105 回族(单位:人) Total Population of Hui People
    A2000106 藏族(单位:人) Total Population of Tibetan People
    A2000107 维吾尔族(单位:人) Total Population of Uygur People
    A2000108 苗族(单位:人) Total Population of Miao People
    A2000109 彝族(单位:人) Total Population of Yi People
    A2000110 壮族(单位:人) Total Population of Zhuang People
    A2000111 布依族(单位:人) Total Population of Bouyei People
    A2000112 朝鲜族(单位:人) Total Population of Korean People
    A2000113 满族(单位:人) Total Population of Manchu
    A2000114 侗族(单位:人) Total Population of Dong People
    A2000115 瑶族(单位:人) Total Population of Yao People
    A2000116 白族(单位:人) Total Population of Bai People
    A2000117 土家族(单位:人) Total Population of Tujia People
    A2000118 哈尼族(单位:人) Total Population of Hani People
    A2000119 哈萨克族(单位:人) Total Population of Kazak People
    A2000120 傣族(单位:人) Total Population of Dai People
    A2000121 黎族(单位:人) Total Population of Li People
    A2000122 傈僳族(单位:人) Total Population of Lisu People
    A2000123 佤族(单位:人) Total Population of Va People
    A2000124 畲族(单位:人) Total Population of She People
    A2000125 高山族(单位:人) Total Population of Gaoshan People
    A2000126 拉祜族(单位:人) Total Population of Lahu People
    A2000127 水族(单位:人) Total Population of Shui People
    A2000128 东乡族(单位:人) Total Population of Dongxiang People
    A2000129 纳西族(单位:人) Total Population of Naxi People
    A2000130 景颇族(单位:人) Total Population of Jingpo People
    A2000131 柯尔克孜族(单位:人) Total Population of Kirgiz People
    A2000132 土族(单位:人) Total Population of Tu People
    A2000133 达斡尔族(单位:人) Total Population of Daur People
    A2000134 仫佬族(单位:人) Total Population of Mulam People
    A2000135 羌族(单位:人) Total Population of Qiang People
    A2000136 布朗族(单位:人) Total Population of Blang People
    A2000137 撒拉族(单位:人) Total Population of Salar People
    A2000138 毛南族(单位:人) Total Population of Maonan People
    A2000139 仡佬族(单位:人) Total Population of Gelao People
    A2000140 锡伯族(单位:人) Total Population of Xibe People
    A2000141 阿昌族(单位:人) Total Population of Achang People
    A2000142 普米族(单位:人) Total Population of Pumi People
    A2000143 塔吉克族(单位:人) Total Population of Tajik
    A2000144 怒族(单位:人) Total Population of Nu People
    A2000145 乌孜别克族(单位:人) Total Population of Ozbek People
    A2000146 俄罗斯族(单位:人) Total Population of Russian People
    A2000147 鄂温克族(单位:人) Total Population of Ewenki People
    A2000148 德昂族(单位:人) Total Population of De'ang People
    A2000149 保安族(单位:人) Total Population of Bonan People
    A2000150 裕固族(单位:人) Total Population of Yugur People
    A2000151 京族(单位:人) Total Population of Jing People
    A2000152 塔塔尔族(单位:人) Total Population of Tatar
    A2000153 独龙族(单位:人) Total Population of Drung People
    A2000154 鄂伦春族(单位:人) Total Population of Oroqen People
    A2000155 赫哲族(单位:人) Total Population of Hezhen People
    A2000156 门巴族(单位:人) Total Population of Moinba People
    A2000157 珞巴族(单位:人) Total Population of Lhoba People
    A2000158 基诺族(单位:人) Total Population of Jino People
    A2000159 其他未识别的民族(单位:人) Total Population of Unidentified Peoples
    A2000160 外国人加入中国籍(入籍)(单位:人) Total Population of Foreigners with Chinese Citizenship
    L2000161 各种职业人口总计(人) Total employed population
    L2000162 国家机关、党群组织、企业、事业单位负责人(人) Employed Population of Governments Agencies, Party agencies and Social Organizations
    L2000163 专业技术人员(人) Employed population of Professional/Technical
    L2000164 办事人员和有关人员(人) Employed population of Clerk and Related Workers
    L2000165 商业、服务业人员(人) Employed population of Commerce, Service Trade Personnel
    L2000166 农林牧渔水利业生产人员(人) Employed population of Farming, forestry, husbandry, fishing and water conservancy industry
    L2000167 生产、运输设备操作人员及有关人员(人) Employed population of production and transportation
    L2000168 不便分类的其他从业人员(人) Others
    L2000169 各种未工作人口总计(人) Total non-working population
    L2000170 在校学生(人) Non-working population - Students in school
    L2000171 料理家务(人) Non-working population - Household affairs
    L2000172 离退休(人) Non-working population - Retired
    L2000173 丧失劳动能力(人) Non-working population - Lost The Ability to Work
    L2000174 从未工作、正在寻找工作(人) Non-working population - Never have a job and looking for a Job
    L2000175 失去工作、正在寻找工作(人) Non-working population - Lost job and looking for a job
    L2000176 其他(人) Non-working population - Others
    L2000177 各行业人口合计(人) Total employed population in industries
    L2000178 农林牧渔业(人) Total employed population in Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery
    L2000179 采掘业(人) Total employed population in Mining and Quarrying
    L2000180 制造业(人) Total employed population in Manufacturing
    L2000181 电力、煤气及水的生产和供应业(人) Total employed population in Production and Supply of Electric Power, Gas and Water
    L2000182 建筑业(人) Total employed population in Construction
    L2000183 地质勘查业、水利管理业(人) Total employed population in Geological Prospecting and Water Conservancy
    L2000184 交通运输、仓储及邮电通信业(人) Total employed population in Transport, Storage, Postal and Telecommunication Services
    L2000185 批发和零售贸易、餐饮业(人) Total employed population in Wholesale & Retail Trade and Catering Services
    L2000186 金融保险业(人) Total employed population in Finance and Insurance
    L2000187 房地产业(人) Total employed population in Real Estate
    L2000188 社会服务业(人) Total employed population in Social Services
    L2000189 卫生、体育和社会福利业(人) Total employed population in Health Care, Sports and Social Welfare
    L2000190 教育、文化艺术及广播电影电视业(人) Total employed population in Education, Culture and Arts, Radio, Film Television
    L2000191 科学研究和综合技术服务业(人) Total employed population in Scientific Research and Polytechnic Services
    L2000192 国家机关、政党机关和社会团体(人) Total employed population in Governments Agencies, Party agencies and Social Organizations
    L2000193 其他行业(人) Total employed population in other industries
    L2000194 第一产业人口占行业人口比重(%) The percentage of employed population in 1st industry (%)
    L2000195 第二产业人口占行业人口比重(%) The percentage of employed population in 2nd industry (%)
    L2000196 第三产业人口占行业人口比重(%) The percentage of employed population in 3rd industry (%)
    L2000197 15岁及以上人口(人) Total population at 15 years old and above
    L2000198 15岁及以上男性人口(人) Total population at 15 years old and above - male
    L2000199 15岁及以上女性人口(人) Total population at 15 years old and above - female
    L2000200 未婚人口(人) Un-married population
    L2000201 未婚男性人口(人) Un-married population - male
    L2000202 未婚女性人口(人) Un-married population - female
    L2000203 初婚有配偶人口(人) Total population at their first marriage with spouses
    L2000204 初婚有配偶男性人口(人) Total population at their first marriage with spouses - male
    L2000205 初婚有配偶女性人口(人) Total population at their first marriage with spouses - female
    L2000206 再婚有配偶人口(人) Total population re-married with spouses
    L2000207 再婚有配偶男性人口(人) Total population re-married with spouses - male
    L2000208 再婚有配偶女性人口(人) Total population re-married with spouses - female
    L2000209 离婚人口(人) Total population divorced
    L2000210 离婚男性人口(人) Total population divorced - male
    L2000211 离婚女性人口(人) Total population divorced - female
    L2000212 丧偶人口(人) Total population widowed
    L2000213 丧偶男性人口(人) Total population widowed - male
    L2000214 丧偶女性人口(人) Total population widowed - female
    L2000215 15?0岁妇女平均活产子女数 Average number of living births of each women 15-50 years old
    L2000216 15?0岁妇女平均存活子女数 Average number of living children of each women 15-50 years old
    L2000217 家庭户(户) Total family households from 9.5% sample data of Long Table
    L2000218 住房中有厨房(户) Total family households with kitchens
    L2000219 住房中无厨房(户) Total family households with no kitchen
    L2000220 饮用自来水(户) Total family households with tap water
    L2000221 不饮用自来水(户) Total family households with no tap water
    L2000222 住房中有洗澡设施(户) Total family households with bath facilities
    L2000223 住房中无洗澡设施(户) Total family households with no bath facilities
    L2000224 住房中有厕所(户) Total family households with lavatory
    L2000225 住房中无厕所(户) Total family households with no lavatory
    L2000226 自建住房(户) Total self-built houses
    L2000227 购买住房(户) Total purchased houses/apartments
    L2000228 租用住房(户) Total rented houses/apartments
    L2000229 其他住房(户) Total houses/apartments from others sources
    Note: A2000*** are from 100% 2000 population Census data (short form); L2000*** are from 9.95% 2000 sampled Census data (long form).

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